Leaving the house at 6.30 in the morning I was happy to be out in heavy rain because I was doing something a little different. Having decided to do hr training from Monday was going to choose a hill and run myself into the ground to find my maximum heart rate and that is what I done. Result was 187bpm which is 5bpm faster than with the arbitary method of 220-age. Am pretty sure this is right as couldn't have pushed harder. I'm just glad I emptied my stomac

h contents before leaving the house, there is nothing like dry retching at 7 in the morning to put stars in your eyes, 'Tonight Matthew I am going to be Usain Bolt'.
All that is left now is to perservere with the hr training, realise is going to slow me down to start with but all the research shows that the benefits will soon start shining through. Fingers crossed....
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