Now I was aware before going out that it would be cold. I was also aware that I was going to be running in an inch of snow. Bothered? No! However having checked the Met's, Sky's and the Beeb's forecasts I was not prepared for an hour running in a wind that must of had a chill factor of about -7 gazillion along with constant very light snow, they were not forecast and neither did I appreciate them. Grounds for legal action? Answers on an Elle Woods shaped postcard.
Oh well have done my 6.5 miles for the day and I guess no harm is done, suppose I should be grateful for the weather to some extent, I could be in work.
I am already fearing for my safety tomorrow with -6 forecast for tonight think it may be a little icy. Possibly have to use the dreadmill....
So looks like another night of watching the forecasts then, they better get it bloody right this

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