I have taken my first steps towards my targets for 2010, 1500 miles and a sub 3.30 VLM being the principle targets for now.
If I said I enjoyed the run I would be lying but was pretty chuffed at completing the tempo session a. without bringing up last nights alcohol intake and b. without my lungs freezing completely, especially considering was my first after 2 months injured.
Running through town couldn't uite believe how many piles of other people's sick I had to run around, at least one person must have been drinking pernod and black judging by the colour, that stuff stains. I know this because I once threw up after such a session, in my youth, on getting out of a taxi at the end of my street, the stain is there to this day, 20 years on. Minging.
There was an armed robbery on my route only two days ago and the suspect was seen running in the opposite direction to mine, not uite sure why this led to me having an irrational paranoia that I was going to be pounced upon by armed police at any second.

Anyway thats me done for today, will keep you updated on the stain....
Happy New Year Everyone