Friday, 15 February 2013

The Pros and Cons of chronology!

Have been reading the countdown to Allan's Riprun with interest and debating whether I myself should do such a countdown and thnking of reasons for and against keeping such track of events. Without much shadow of a doubt I will document each day of the challenge numerically in the blogosphere but for now I think I will just keep trying to come up with 'clever' (they are not clever really, when I read a number of blogs I am awed by a lot of peoples skills in conveying genuine feeling and emotion through the medium of written prose) titles to at least try and attract a few people to read and share my journey. The main reasons for this though are that I don't really want to remind myself anymore or how close the challenge is getting, I'm aware is kicking off in 6 or 7 weeks, that is enough for me, it can not become my everything just yet, I have kids to nurture at home and in college and many other things to concern myself with before that. Another thing and I don't think I am one of those who is scared of getting older, I thoroughly looked forward to and enjoyed my 40th birthday, is that feeling that time is slipping through your fingers and counting the days doesn't really help with this. Robert is 18 this year, Meggy will be doing her GCSEs next year and Caitlin keeps telling me she is not a baby anymore. None of that really adds up in my pea sized brain. I guess I am happy to accept the passing of time and our mortality and all that but would still rather not think too much about it. Probably the same for everyone. Well that is some deep shit right there, as deep as it gets for me anyway, so I will quickly talk a bit about running now. 18 point something fairly progressive miles run this morning in beautiful sunshine and with fantastic views. Was all quite lovely even if I am a little tired now as had to stay up until 2 with Megan's boyfriend who came to ours after they got back from the French trip to wait for his parents to pick him up (they had been to Egypt). He is a good kid really, he laughs at my jokes anyway which is a start, plus he learnt quite early on that Tottenham banter is not really a great idea, I have supported them long enough to know their shortcomings without being reminded ;-) Will crank another hopefully 25 miles out over two sessions tomorrow and about the same Sunday. I'm sure after that I will be even less inclined to start counting down the days, all I know in my head is that come the challenge I will take each day as it comes, enjoy the good days and accept the bad days. Sponsor me if you like :-)

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