Monday, 18 February 2013
If you don't ask you don't get! Another good day at the office!
Following on from last weeks bloggage regards shirt design I called into the local sports and schoolwear suppliers, Picton Sports (plug plug) on the way home from work to see if I could negotiate a cheap price, at least, to get 5 shirts printed. Now to cut a long story short by agreeing to have their logo on the shirt they have offered to do them for free which is fantastic. Now I know there is pretty much one reason and one reason only why I managed to negotiate this and it is very unfortunate, or fortunate in my case, but it is down to just how many peoples lives are touched by cancer. The manager certainly insinuated to me that it was the fact I had a cancer charity that swung the owner to make the decision to do them for free, as, and I know this from previous requests, this is a rare occurence. Lets hope a huge amount of good comes from them...
Here is the design, a bit blurry, thanks for all the feedback last week.
In other news today was a 'rest' day so just used Veera to get to work and back, around 13 miles in all I think, one 'steep' hill on the way home made me realise how tired my legs were so am about to do some foam rolling and will be back out plodding the streets tommorrow.
Another £50+ donated so far today by people I don't know which makes me sooooooo happy, word is getting out there :-) As ever you can donate right here if you feel that way inclined http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=MattRogersonispremierleague
Happy Monday my friends!

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