Everybody fired up this evening
I'm exhausted, barely breathing
Holding on to what I believe in
No matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see
Since the moment Fin got us under starters orders at the ‘Born To Run’ track marathon, through the power station in Brighton, along to sprinffling (a cross between a sprint and a shuffle) down the Mall on Sunday this whole experience of 3 marathons in 3 weekends (also being referred to as 3 in 16 days, which sounds best? ;-) ) has been absolutely amazing, the fact I managed to get in sub 4 in all 3 is just the cherry on the cake, or the banana in the flapjack maybe?
I will tell you all about the London experience in a minute but firstly I want to thank everyone, without going all Oscar ceremony on you, for their support over the last 6 months or so, obviously Laura and the kids for putting up with all the organising and training, Andy, Emma, Tommy and Liv, Mum and Dad, Rosie, Tim and anyone else who has given me a message of support made a donation or attended any of my events. Wonderful people every last one of you. Still need donations here too http://www.justgiving.com/Matt-Rogersonphab. Thanks!
Let’s get onto London then, I just hope I manage to communicate just how amazing an experience it was yet again, so much to say I am going to have to try hard not to forget anything.
I was dead impressed with the time we managed to leave Llanelli Saturday morning and looking back it was a real godsend, as reaching the outskirts of London by Midday meant the 90 minutes it took us to go the last 12 miles was not too much of a problem. Same as last year was lunch out the front of the Excel Centre before going into register. Was lucky to get into the expo in one piece after being accosted by the dark side (no, not Runners World)….
I love the expo, great reading the messages on the wall, is now one of my ambitions to be one of the first to write on there, and loads of freebies, especially when you have a daughter who smiles as sweetly as Caitlin. An uneventful journey to South Croydon for the hotel followed and a nice relaxing evening ensued, chicken and jacket potato for tea, bit of BGT and Bedfordshire.
Marathon morning (again) and although I felt calm had not the first idea as to what my race strategy really was. Although part of me hoped for the third PB in three weeks I was able to be quite realistic, when I thought about how tired I had been during the week, and knew it probably wouldn’t happen.
Was great to get to the start area so early and so hassle free, many thanks for the lift to Wazelle, was much appreciated. Have got to say that the start area is one of my favourite parts of the build up, the presenter/tannoy announcer is very good and this year I managed to see and spend some time with a couple of friendly faces, Angela my acupuncturist and Plodding Hippo, whilst also making Meglet’s acquaintance briefly, I think the other Fetchies were hiding somewhere…

Under starters’ orders and through the start in 2 minutes it took me a good couple of miles to really get into my rhythm although I was not finding congestion a problem at all. Didn’t take long for the memories of 2010 to come flooding back again, with the crowds once again sensational and stand out moments in the first half being the pirate/Halloween themed pub, was looking forward to them again, the whole experience at the Cutty Sark section, the preacher man, I don’t know why just remembered him, and the bongo players under the bridge, so much energy.
Crossing Tower Bridge is fantastic too and I took on board the advice from Martin Yelling at the Expo and allowed myself to slow down to savour the moment rather than speed up with all the encouragement. I think for me and many others the fact that I was crossing the bridge was all the more exciting because it meant the first Fetchpoint pass by was on the way, and in my case this year my first glimpse of Laura and the kids. Once again the support from them was fantastic and I did my best strong man impression without actually breaking stride too much.

Going through the half way point and my average pace was just over 8.30mm pace I believe and, although was on for PB pace, I was already happy in my mind that it wasn’t going to happen as I intended to stop for a chat to the Runners World peeps at mile 17, to give Laura a sweaty kiss and hug @ mile 22 and then do a little walking in the last 4 miles to get as much out of the occasion as possible. Believe me though when I say I am going to SMASH Robin Hood later in the year when I can put all my energies onto the one race.
Going through those miles between 13 and 17 and 17 and 22 it was clear that writing off the PB had been the right thing to do as although I felt fine the pace was starting to drop off slowly already. Was great to stop to talk to the Runners World team at mile 17 and have a gel and a bottle of water. Wasn’t sure why they asked me if I wanted any Vaseline so said thanks but no thanks, looking down at mile 18 and seeing my bleeding nipples made things a bit clearer, they weren’t bothering me like they usually do when in that state though, adrenalin?
Would have been happy to take a little walk in the miles between 17 and 22 but pushed myself on to Fetchpoint and Laura and the kids. Was great to see them, give Laura a kiss and get a bit of orange from Meggy. God only knows how I must have looked as I walked away from them as if I was out for a stroll.
Anyway could have run the final four I am sure but just did enough to ensure I got a comfortable sub 4 whilst soaking up the atmosphere, which is hard to describe in those final miles, talking to as many fellow runners as possible and trying to help out those in need of support. Still feel a little guilty for leaving a casualty on the floor about half a mile from the end, he was coherent enough, but despite the best efforts of myself and one of the intergalactic spacemen he was going nowhere, legs like a jellyfish. Hope he managed to crawl it in the end.
So with a time of 3.57.14 I was across the third finishing line in 16 days and that was it, I could just go on writing and writing but I will sum up what followed as concisely as possible as you have probably got better things to do and is really just about the running isn’t it? Was great to meet Mrs Shanksi at the end, sorry I couldn’t run with her but these things happen and she did just fine without me. Was also great to put so many faces to ‘virtual’ names at the post race fetch meet up in The Chandos over a well earned and much anticipated pint or two. Journey back to Croydon was hard, absolutely exhausted, and a little fraught when Megan managed to get off at Shadwell with the rest of us still on the train. I have never seen such a look of panic on her face, it only took us ten minutes to get back to her but believe me they were a long ten minutes. I have told her I am going to write a book called ‘Stranded in Shadwell’ she is NOT amused.
Great weekend in all, London was lovely yesterday, kids loved Hamleys, and I had the same pang of regret as last year when I looked down the Mall and it seemed like the day before may never have happened. Thing is we know it did.
That really is it then, thanks for following me over the last few months, time for a little break now, yes I will still be running but no huge plans like this for now (now being the operative word).
Love You All.
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