Yesterday was hot and once again I had nothing left in the tank over last 6 miles but bottom line was a PB, for the second week running, and have now only got London to go before the quest is over and I can then concentrate on shorter distances for an ickle while whilst persuading Laura why it is a good plan to run Brecon ultra in November, any suggestions on arguments for gladly accepted.
Got to say the whole Brighton experience was fantastic, great organisation, lots of friendly faces, superb support and top post race nosh, I’m glad I am not one of these ‘can’t stomach food after a marathon types.
Was concerned that having to leave Southampton by 6AM would leave me tired and maybe still not be early enough but was plain sailing, oatso simple porridge pots made and consumed on route and we were at park and ride and on bus to start area by around 0730.
Must say that the lack of atmosphere when I first arrived at the start was a little bit of a letdown but was nice to have Laura and Meggy with me and we soon found the Children’s Trust spot for obligatory photos. Bit of a disaster just before Laura and Meggy departed when I delved into my bag for sun cream and realised my pre race bottle of water had not been tightened properly and was empty leaving the bags contents sloshing about in the bottom. Only me…
After saying our goodbyes, dropping the bag @ the lorries and queuing for the ‘loos for dos’ was time to get to the start line ready for NO.2. Was great to meet a fellow fetchie, Ted, on the start line and having seen that he finished only 4 seconds behind me am sorry we didn’t run together, not quite sure how we missed each other, I must have passed him at some stage as I stopped after a mile to readjust my gels belt and saw him disappear into the distance.
Not sure if it was the fact I knew it was my 2nd marathon in a week but the first few miles were hard physically and mentally but seeing Laura and Meggy @ mile 3 and 5 was good and I managed to get onto my stride soon enough.
Once again was feeling strong going into 2nd quarter of the race and, having already had a chat with Foxsake fetchie, found a running companion heading past the Windmill golf course who I stayed with until around mile 14 when he dropped off the pace a little although that may have been experience telling as he may well have passed me later on in the race, was a nice bloke from Norfolk and we chatted football, life and running through Ovingdean, Rottingdean and back into the centre. Sort of wish I’d had asked his name now because I can’t even check how he did. Somehow managed to miss Laura and Meggy @ mile 13 too although they were apparently 6 people down from The Children’s Trust support point who gave me a good wave and cheer. Lucky Laura had her iphone app to tell her I had passed and wasn’t crumpled in a heap @ mile 10 or such like.
After the loop back into the town and along Church Road(?) and back I was looking forward to fetch point and beginning to count down the miles. I did my best to make them aware I was coming pointing manically to my headband and shouting ‘fetch’ and other nonsense, didn’t stop to chat though which I am a little disappointed about now but probably for the best all things considered now, definitely will in London this weekend though, especially as Laura will be there with the kids.
Was passing mile 19 and heading towards Shoreditch and the power station that, I think, things began to get hard again. Can’t be sure until my mate, whose garmin I had borrowed, uploads my data and I can see my splits. Yes I know I definitely slowed down somewhere around here, and yes it was a lonely part of the course and getting really hot, but this was the 4th time in 4 marathons this has happened so maybe I am going off to quickly but at the same time I worry if I go off slower I will still blow up at this point and my time will be even worse, when do you get used to this long distance lark?
Not much else to say, last few miles were tough, weather was scorchio, crowds were fantastic, what was looking like a sure fire 3.40 @ mile 20 became a tactical battle just to get the new PB, finishing in 3.48.46, Laura thinks I looked fresh as a daisy @ 26 but appearances can be deceptive…
So all in all was a good day, certainly a lovely route and a great spectacle, and the fish and chips at the end sat watching others cross the finish line were a right touch.
See you in Greenwich….
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