Thursday, 17 January 2013

I'm snow excited... We don't get much snow here in Sunny Llanelli, Laura says it is something about us being in the gulf stream, she watched a show about the weather once and is now like my own personal John Kettley, he is a weatherman. She is actually more Wincey Willis thinking about it. Anyway this lack of snow means the forecast for tomorrow means I am more excited than usual for the following reasons: 1. Hopeful snow day as the college will be shut. 2. The kids love it don't they. 3. I can try out my new yaktrax and get strange looks because I am running in the snow :-) 4. I'm going to build an igloo, don't know how but I love igloos (I'll take a photo) Will be nice to go out and run in something different, feel as if I am just churning out miles at the moment ready for the challenge but is very monotonous. Am scared f doing any spped wrk etc in case I do myself an injury. Is the same with entering races, some of my favourites are coming up and I have thought about entering them just for a training run but am concernced my competitive juices would kick in and I would start thinking about PBs and stuff as I stood on the start line. So yes I am excited, just watch it not bloody snow after all! Oh by the way I am still looking for accommodation in the places mentioned last time. Fankoo...

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