Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Becoming proper common sensible

Maybe it is because I am 40 and am becoming maturer, maybe it is because I am ultra cautious about injury scuppering the whole 'I am Premier League' challenge but I seem to be in danger of being labelled sensible if I keep making the same decsions I have the last few days... Has been sooooooooooooooo windy the last two days here, roofer is coming tomorrow as we have some loose tiles, where we are situated we always take a battering but have not had loose tiles in the 14 years or so we have lived here. Anyway I cycled into work yesterday as was a 'rest day' and planned to do an hour and a half or so on the way home. However coming over the estuary bridge I had to get off and push as was in serious danger of being blown into oncoming traffic. Made the decision at this point to go the shortest way home, it was, as I say a 'rest day' after all. Not sure if was as windy today but was running home from work and decided to turn inland after the same bridge rather than taking the coastal path as was like running in treacle. So was with this weather and tight calfs that I only ran 8 of the planned 12 miles and decided not to go out after tea to do the other 4 which I would usually do. Just lots of foam rolling now and in the morning then a short run tomorrow evening. Will possibly make the 4 up later in the week but if I don't hey ho, is already my biggest ever mileage month Is the most sensible I am likely to be.... In other news from Rogerson Towers things are starting to gain momentum for the challnge, interviewed on local radio this morning, local paper are taking photos and interviewing tomorrow night and another radio interview later in the week. This mornings station are going to interview me live every morning during the challenge Lots of other media lined up for during and post run too so hopefully will really get on the radar and help raise loads of lovely spondoolies for the charities, fingers crossed...

Saturday, 26 January 2013

40 is soooooo old :-)

Megan was quite excited when I got back from the run from hell this morning as she had got a friend of hers to talk about my challenge on the local hospital radio. I guess at 16-17 someone who is 40 does seem ancient lol Take a listen, very kind though, thanks Brandon and Meggy http://www.youtube.com/v/dtz-UCrjiZU Was a tired run this morning, not looking forward to tomorrows 20 but have company so will be fine I'm sure Don't forget to vote for me here Like, Vote Matt, accept app and share :-)

Thursday, 17 January 2013

I'm snow excited...

http://breathefitnessandevents.wordpress.com/i-am-premier-league/ We don't get much snow here in Sunny Llanelli, Laura says it is something about us being in the gulf stream, she watched a show about the weather once and is now like my own personal John Kettley, he is a weatherman. She is actually more Wincey Willis thinking about it. Anyway this lack of snow means the forecast for tomorrow means I am more excited than usual for the following reasons: 1. Hopeful snow day as the college will be shut. 2. The kids love it don't they. 3. I can try out my new yaktrax and get strange looks because I am running in the snow :-) 4. I'm going to build an igloo, don't know how but I love igloos (I'll take a photo) Will be nice to go out and run in something different, feel as if I am just churning out miles at the moment ready for the challenge but is very monotonous. Am scared f doing any spped wrk etc in case I do myself an injury. Is the same with entering races, some of my favourites are coming up and I have thought about entering them just for a training run but am concernced my competitive juices would kick in and I would start thinking about PBs and stuff as I stood on the start line. So yes I am excited, just watch it not bloody snow after all! Oh by the way I am still looking for accommodation in the places mentioned last time. Fankoo...

Monday, 14 January 2013

Choo Choo here I come!

http://breathefitnessandevents.wordpress.com/i-am-premier-league/ So I booked the train to take me to house of Flip and Anna today ready to start the challenge. Cost me £42 which I can cope with, I could have gone first class for another £300 , what exactly would that extra £300 give me I wonder. The benefits of privatisation eh? Bring back British Rail, this is the age of the train.... Had a few butterflies on booking the train, is getting more real by the day, and it also gave me a timely kick up the arse to keep pushing for help and support although I am sure you all thought I never stopped pushing. Today I am going to tell you where I am still struggling for accommodation, maybe you can help or know someone who can. I have contacted running clubs in these areas today but you are likely to know more than me. So here goes: Leeds - March 31st Coventry - April 9th Northampton - April 10th Four Marks/Alton/Bordon - April 15th Kingston Upon Thames - April 17th Thanks for your help and time once more. In other news training is going to plan there or thereabouts, been a little poorly last two days, sore throat and head cold so did 25 on bike and 6 run yesterday instead of an 18 miler. Thankfully today was always going to be a rest day. Will hopefully get 12 in tomorrow between running home from work and going out again after tea. Should be a 70+ mile week plus Veera miles. Eaten way too much chocolate tonight, start again tomorrow...

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Noses are for breathing mouths are for eating

Sponsorship Link Am reading the Scott Jurek book, Eat and Run, and must recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it, is right up there with the best I have read, thoughful, insightful and an all round great story. Anyway along with many other tips in the book he talks in some depth about how much energy can be conserved if you breath through your nose whenever possible whilst running and concentrating on diaphragmatic breathing. Now I had never really thought about this, I just breath and quite easily too, I can get in from a twenty miler and apart form the sweat the OH wouldn't know I had been running by my breathing. Anyway I am willing to give anything a go so have done the last few days, it is not bloody easy let me tell you, well I don't think so anyway. Yesterday I was on Veera so was a little easier but after a couple of minutes with a strong headwind I did start to get a headache in the temple. I forgot about it on todays 10 mile run until the last half mile so made myself do it then and it was bloody difficult, all I wanted to do was open my mouth and gulp in large amounts of air. I can see the sense in it though, not least, as Jurek explains, because when running long distances it is often important to take solid fuels on and if you are breathing through your nose you can easily breath and eat at the same time. I'm going to give it a good go anyway and am off now to find some sights with breathing tips and exercises. I will take any advantage. Would love to hear any views you have on this and if you haven't tried it before give it a go and feedback to me Exhale.....