What were Frankie Goes To Hollywood all about then? For some reason something possessed me to get hold of their greatest hits earlier and can’t work out whether it was worth my time or should I have just got Welcome to the Pleasuredome, they weren’t great after that were they? And there are only 4 songs on there that really stand up although they are fantastically over the top. Then again maybe with a few more listens it will all work for me although saying that’ Ferry Across The Mersey’? I don’t think so! On the other hand also got Complete Madness, for about the 83rd time in my life, and that is a sure fire winner every time! What with getting the Ministry of Sounds Alternative 80s Anthems album last weekend is almost as if Old Grey Whistle Test has landed in my docking system
As for running has been a good first two days on the plan, 19 miles done, plus 12 on the bike and a core session, and all at bang on target pace of 8.30 for general runs and PMP+20% at the start of long runs and PMP+10% for last 5 miles. Feeling good but have had a titful of the wind now. Tomorrow may see running and cycling at recovery pace but Friday is going to be the tester when my only option I can see is going to be to run my 11 miler home from work leaving at quarter to five because of Laura’s shifts. Supposed to be 5 mile recovery Saturday and 15 miler with 7 @ PMP on Sunday, anyone recommend another way to fit the sessions in so I only do a short one Friday? No didn’t think so…
Anyways, until next time!
Shooting Stars never stop even when they reach the top…..
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