That's right people I'm Movin' On Up, I got no bounds.....
Bonus point for naming the band...
Feeling good this morning after a good day yesterday and a good start to today. let me talk you through it all shall I?
1. Managed to secure the Parc Y Scarlets track for my track marathon on 2nd April. Individual and relay entries being taken, supporters and lap counters required, please email me @ mattoo.rogerson@btopenworld.com for more details. Already got a couple of participants which is good.
2. Ticket sales really picked up for the auction night, honestly need to get in now if your not going to be disappointed. Do it now before you spend all your wages in Tesco....Again email me if interested.
3. Got 4 more Scarlets tickets, for the April game against Munster, to auction.
4. After a couple of hard runs, feeling tired, had a cracking run last night where I had to stop myself from going too fast for the best part, and that was after near disaster when I went to change in work to run home and realised that I hadn't actually bought my shorts with me. Having to go home first on a Friday night could have been terminal for my plans to run but I bit the bullet and was rewarded accordingly.
5. Chicken madras, pilau rice, naan bread, mango chutney and an ice cold can of Diet Pepsi for tea, was lovely and no sign of any morning after toilet activity which is a result.
6. Have already secured this morning half a case of red wine for raffle (Thanks Andy) and am having something for auction delivered from the nice people @ the local DW Fitness Club this afternoon, wonder what it could be? Is a bit like Christmas.
Am now starting to think about post April 17th when the final marathon is over and I no longer have all this to keep me occupied, don't know what I will do with myself although I'm sure Laura will have some ideas.
Anyway must dash, a million and one things to do and people to badger.....
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