So it has been and it has gone, an amazing experience which I shall try to recall in detail here but is still only really coming back to me, was just so much to take in Sunday. Having spoken to fellow runners and watched the race back on tv has helped though.
Starting on Saturday we arrived at the expo in time for a nice lunchtime picnic before going in and really setting the excitement ball rolling. Saying that having driven through London and seeing the signs warning of road closures, barriers in place and various mile markers had already given me goosebumps.
The expo was great but warm, dropped muffins and jelly babies off at runners world stand, bought new running glasses, met my charity, subscribed to Running Fitness Magazine, picked up running number (obviously the best bit), had photo taken with official trophy, tried a little ‘London’s Pride’ and picked up my goody bag.

By the time we got to the B and B I just wanted to go out and explore the starting area, we couldn’t have been accommodated more conveniently, was less than 5 minutes walk to Greenwich Park and 10-15 minutes to the starting area. So having seen the red start turn up the excitement-o-meter another notch from fever pitch and you can appreciate how I was feeling although I was also very calm if you know what I mean, just looking forward.
Come race morning had breakfast a little later than planned, a minor detail quite possibly, but not ideal for someone who had planned race day down to a tee, not just for me but for OH and kids too. Anyway setting off to the start was just awe inspiring with a sea of like minded individuals swarming through Greenwich with red kitbags as far as the eye could see, I truly believe I made it to the red start area on smile power alone.

The excitement was tangible by now, and that didn’t subside all day, with the tannoy presenter adding to the anticipation being experienced by all and people of all shapes and sizes, from knights in full suits of armour to people with full giraffe costumes, including necks, preparing themselves for their big day. A short heavy downpour had everyone running for cover but by the time we were being told to enter our start pens it had cleared up and the expectation levels continued to rise.

Now it was time after 6 months of fundraising and training, 35000 plus runners were underway in the 30th London Marathon, and I was amongst them, amazing. It took no time at all to realise just how right everyone had been when they said how inspiring the crowds were the cheer as we passed the start line set the tone for the rest of the day.
To say it was like a carnival atmosphere during the first few miles would be an understatement, I have never given so many high fives or smiled so much during a run or race as I did then. The main things that stick in mind are the pub with all the pirates outside, how pleased I was when I realised there were Vaseline points and just how many people were stopping to relieve themselves already, the opening 200 metres was like a mass urinal at the side of the road. Maybe I’m ignorant but weren’t there enough toilets in the start area?
I had looked forward to the banter when meeting the blue and green starts at the three mile mark and was proud to start a few prolonged choruses of light hearted booing and hissing but certainly didn’t enjoy the increased difficulty to find a steady pace in the crowds of runners. I guess thinking about it now that the constant weaving and numerous slowing down and bottlenecks of, particularly, the first half of the race makes it more difficult than other marathons although this may well be offset by the amazing support of Joe Public et al. Please forgive me now if I mention the tremendous support too many times.
With the convergence of all runners the next thing for me to look forward too was seeing Laura and the kids and my charity The Children’s Trust's first cheering point at The Pickwick Pub, mile 5. The cheering point was fantastic, the first of many but panic set in for a few seconds when didn’t spot Laura and the kids before finding them 20 metres further up the road, all be it with a hysterical crying Caitlin. Lucky I know her so well and my suspicions were proved true at the end of the race, she had burst her supporters balloon. No I didn’t stop to enquire what was the matter before you ask.
Heading through mile 6 and 7, and averaging about 9.07 pace, the memories are numerous with so much to take in. Running round the Cutty Sark was amazing, the tight turn and consequent bottleneck were more than made up for by the first sight of a BBC camera and once again crowds that must have been 5 deep and as deserving of a round of applause as us runners. Running past the Maritime Museum and looking up towards the observatory and realising despite distance covered that we were probably only half mile from the start line is another abiding memory, don’t get me wrong I didn’t care is just one of them things you think about when running such a race I guess.
The next few miles through Surrey Quays and Canada Water don’t bring back many memories but were the start of my quickest part of the race averaging about 8.50 pace through to mile 17. Obviously one of the key points here was the anticipation of crossing Tower Bridge and catching my first sight of Fetchpoint as I travelled down the highway and through the half way point.
Tower Bridge was as good as I hoped for although I don’t recall the slope I am being told about, just the crowds (again) and the excitement of seeing another BBC camera, whilst the reception on my first visit to the Highway surpassed all expectations, I solicited a fantastic cheer from the Fetchies and also another Children’s Trust cheering point. Seeing the elites travelling in the other direction made me feel quite good about myself too as I thought ‘you may be fast but at least I look like I’m enjoying myself’. It didn’t occur to me at that point that by the time I reached the same point as them I would not be enjoying quite as much.
After the euphoria of the Highway passing through Docklands and the next few miles was quite calm with only a few long-lasting memories. Runners World supporters point was exciting and well looked forward to in advance of mile 17, being passed my own personal chocolate muffin and a big smile making it all worthwhile. Also around this point, after mile 17 if I remember rightly we went through a short tunnel where the noise of the crowds was deafening, obviously the acoustics of the tunnel helped but it was awe-inspiring and again moved the runners to applaud the support as one.
I can remember thinking around this point that things were going well and I would soon be in unchartered territory at 20 miles plus. Looking back at my splits now I can see this was actually the point where I started to slow with mile 20’s 9.13 pace being my fastest mile in the last 8.
I certainly realised it was starting to get harder heading into mile 21 where I started craving the next water point, lucozade station, on course shower and the re-emergence of fetchpoint. Not sure what came first the shower or fetchpoint but they both had a galvanizing affect albeit not for a prolonged period of time. Had been though every shower on the course and appreciated them but none as much as this last one where the feeling was almost sexual. I am guessing the look on my face painted this picture judging by the laughter of the crowd as I emerged.
Fetchpoint was a blur, I knew stopping would mean no sub 4hr marathon so just crashed my way past grabbing a jaffa cake and a handful of jelly babies, not sure what happened to my muffin this time. I believe it was at this point that any rational thoughts were left in my wake. The jelly babies gave me a good lift but why I then decided to snatch any sweets offered in the next mile or so is still a mystery to me but the feeling of nausea caused by my gluttony will ensure, I’m in no doubt, that I never change my pre race fuelling strategy again.
It would have been easy to start walking now but the thought of the sub 4 kept me going and the sight of the runers still passing slowly through mile 13 gave me the boost I needed to keep on going and the crowds seemed to hone in on my increased discomfort and I heard (I think) my name being called encouragingly more and more.
At this point I lost track of distance covered for a while and coming through Blackfriars wasn’t sure whether it was going to be mile 23 or 24 marker up next. Imagine my relief and increased mental strength when it was 24. It was clear to me now that nothing could stop me reaching sub 4 except stopping and I managed to start soaking up a little atmosphere again as I passed along the embankment although I do remember being disappointed with Big Ben because I already knew the time, pointless clock. As I said, rational thought was not with me.
All that was left to do was pass St James Park round the front of the Queen’s house and the finishing line was in site. As I ran up the Mall I glanced at my garmin and was amazed to see that despite the fatigue of the last 4 miles I was suddenly around 8 minute mile pace, and then I had finished in 3hrs 58 minutes and 37 seconds. Job done!
Having the medal around my neck was amazing and all that was left to do was the official photo, goody bag, wolf the mars bar, pick up my kit bag and start the 10 minute walk to the repatriation area.
I am happy to admit that the look of pride on Laura and the kid's faces when I met up with them was probably the best feeling I had all day, with the round of applause I received when being one of the first runners to enter The Children’s Trust massage areas at the after party quite humbling. The rest of the day passed in a blur of burgers, beer and well deserved bravado.
Monday morning I had to walk back to the start area to see where it all began and was more than a little upset to see cars on my start line, MY START LINE! My big adventure was definitely, maybe, over. All that remained to do was a drive around the finishing area more than once, in a National Lampoon’s moment, although we were lucky enough to see the heroic Phil Packer completing the last mile of his 26 miles in 26 hours, proof that anyone can do this, even if my blogs of the last 4 months haven’t persuaded you so already.
So is this the end or the beginning?
I’ll see you soon…