I am not going to lie to you, tonight was shit.
I want to enjoy running and to be totally frank I dont enjoy running up hills. Did 10 x 2 minute intervals and although I am well aware that people are probably dying to point out that they will help in the long run, I reiterate, I want to enjoy running. Sunday nights 15 miles, I enjoyed, tonight I didn't, wasn't even glad I had done it when I finished, and I didn't even push myself that hard. Have had it suggested that I do Yasso 800's instead and must say they seem a lot more appealing. Anyone with no idea what I'm jabbering on about look here:
Was bloody freezing too, much colder than I excpected, in fact every time I cleared the snot from my nose (runners prerogative?) it was shattering when it hit the floor as had frozen on the way down.

Anyways, am sure that is the weeks moan out of the way, a nice 9 mile recovery run to look forward to tomorrow night.
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