Friday, 27 December 2013
2013 - Some Year
I'm not going to go over it all again but am going to say thanks once again to all of you who supported my madness, offering advice, support of all kinds and at the times the shit hit the fan many words of kindness. Hopefully 2014 will be just as much fun with a PB attempt at London and my first 24 hour race (as part of a pair) to look forward to in the first half of the year and then (and I must discuss this with Laura) maybe Loch Ness or Brecon Ultra in the 2nd half of the year.
I am really going to cop out though and leave Ol' Blue Eyes to put the year into words. I am sure that any of you who know my 2013 running story even slightly will see the truth in the lyrics:
And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I travelled each and ev'ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way
I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way"
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!
Yes, it was my way
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Forgotten garmins, navigational issues and custard slices.
Has taken me a week to get round to writing about my '30' miler last Sunday as I have been a very busy bee what with taking the students to London for three days, catching up with everything on my return and Llanelli Carnival and fireworks last night.
As regular viewers will already know my club, Sospan Road Runners, were hosting their annual Multi Terrain 10 miler last Sunday in Pembrey Woods and along Cefn Sidan beach. I however had decided many months ago to run the event three times, it would give more opportunity to raise some cash for charidee and also give me a goal as I came back to fitness from the injury.
On the morning of the run Laura was working nights so basically me and Meggy were going to be leaving as soon as she got home from work as Meggy had volunteered (or been coerced into) marshalling the event so that I could be free to run. As I waited to leave I mentioned to Laura that I was not my usual worked up self before such an event. This made me appreciate why people keep doing crazier and crazier things to maintain the buzz, I'd like to think I wasn't complacent but the run certainly didn't worry me as it once would have, why should it?, I had run 30+ miles a day 6 days in a row earlier in the year. I had to come back to the house a few time when leaving because I had forgotten my drinks bottle and banana. Laura did say at this point that she was worried I was being to blase. Maybe she was right. It wasn't however that I was nearly at the start line that I realised I had also forgotten my garmin. Now I wasn't too worried about pace but was keen on keeping track of distance as I knew that I did have the potential to get lost and this would help give me an idea of whether I was in the right place.
Thankfully one of my lovely clubmates, Jenny, had a garmin I could borrow although it was clear from the charge that it probably wouldn't see me through the whole race. And so it was at 0920hrs, 1hr 40mins before the official start and with my clubmates and Meggy shouting encouragement I set off for lap 1. I had hoped to complete the 3 laps in 4 and a half hours, 9mm pace, but was basically happy to run to feel and the miles soon started ticking off. In my mind navigation was going to be ok as the course was marked already so the first two laps would be fine and although the signs would be down by lap 3 I should know it by then, ahem! The course is basically a mixture of tarmac, grass, shingle, hard dirt track, soft sandy/soil and a mile along the sandy beach with many short undualtions and 2 harder climbs on the soft sandy/soil terrain. First lap went pretty much to plan except for an extra half mile added on just after the 5 mile mark, a part of the course I knew wasn't going to be marked until later on. Nothing too much to worry about though as I knew the general direction to the beach and soon recognised the path I was supposed to follow.
I completed lap 1 in 1hr 35mins which with 10.6 miles on the clock meant I was faster than 9mm pace but due to the longer distance was possibly not going to get in under 4 and a half hours. Lap 2 begun at the same time as the official race which was nice as it meant that as well as making contact and stocking up on flapjacks from Meggy I could talk to a few familiar faces, talk to some new ones and get carried along by everyone else for a while. So lap 2 went ok, I worked out where I had gone wrong on lap 1 and banked the knowledge for lap 3 and the support from the marshalls was obviously very personal for me and helped me along. I was on 3 hours and 10 minutes at the end of the lap so still below 9 minute mile pace with 20.6 miles on the clock. Then it started to go wrong. Here I am still looking as if I am enjoying myself at mile 12ish.
Don't get me wrong I already felt as tired as anyone would having run such a course 2 times but was happy enough as I went through the 'finish' line for the second time with the race announcer introducing me to the crowd and questioning my sanity. Lots of smiley, familiar and friendly faces here though which is always nice.
The first two miles of the race basically take in a lap of the country park on the road and then enter the forest. Unfortunately the garmin had died at mile 21 so was not longer really aware of distance although had switched endomondo on, not sure if that was a blessing or a curse. I was aware however, after re-entering the forest, that now the signs had gone I had taken nothing in on the first two laps and had no idea what way to go. After a mile or so of faffing about and returning to the same place I had to phone, Karen, another one of my clubmates who I knew could run the course in her sleep. I'm not sure whether she really was but she gave the impression that she would rather be out showing me the way than dealing with the finishing line faffage and proceeded to run the next mile and a half or so with me to meet up with another clubmate, Jenny who had lent me the garmin, and who had always going to be running the last 6 miles with me. Unfortunately and to further add to my guilt my navigational saviour, Karen, went arse over tit whilst showing me the way but was thankfully unhurt and more importantly, at least according to her, so was her iPhone.
It was only after starting to run with Jenny and with about 5 miles to go that my troubles really began. First of all I started suffering cramps, severe cramps at that, in my right leg in the general area of the hip flexor and adductors. This was coming and going and I needed to stop and stretch a few times. I was now, because of this, walking more than I was running and although I kept setting myself landmark targets to aim for was actually managing to complete them running less and less frequently. Energywise I was ok and the legs weren't too tired apart from this cramp. Anyway I got to the beach where Jenny took this photo of me looking better than I was feeling and knew there were only 3 miles to go.
A continued run walk strategy and donations of fruit loaf and energy jelly beans kept me moving as well as possible until about a mile or so from the finish when both calfs kept cramping every time I tried to run too. I did manage, with much encouragement, to run the final 400 metres or so out of the forest and to the finish line where Laura, Rob, Meggy and Caitlin were waiting in all their glory along with a few hardy clubmates, thanks Arwel, Karen and Beth. It was great to see them but as I collapsed over the line I will not lie to you and say that seeing them all was better than the custard slice they had waiting for me. Beautiful. So 31.5 miles done and in the space of 10.9 miles I had gone from just below 9mm pace to finishing in 5hrs 20 mins at an average pace of 10.19mm. I would hardly say I was satisfied with the overall result but I did manage to dig in and complete when I would have, at times, been quite happy to sit down, stamp my feet and refuse to go a step further.
The main questions for me to ask now are regards why I cramped so bad, I can honestly say that it has never happened before in all my years running. There are however a few things that I know I will change next time I undertake such a challenge.
1. I walked/jogged about 6 miles helping set up the course the day before the race and also cycled there and back which was just under 20 miles. Nothing huge in the general scheme of things but probably not to be recommended.
2. I had a pack of original hula hoops at around mile 14 which I had never done before. A schoolboy error trying something new I know, a contributing factor to my problems I don't know?
3. I did some strong training but very very little on this type of terrain. Is surprising how much it takes out of you. Maybe my biggest mistake.
I am however glad I did it and that Meggy got involved, she was fantastically looked after by the guys from the club and is going to come to beginners night with me on Wednesday so I am sure she will be kicking my arse before I know it :-) It also made me realise what a special running club I am a member of. It is an honour and privilege to run with them and be classed as one of their resident nutters.
I actually didn't feel too bad getting up at 3AM on Monday morning then to take the students to London (I wasn't driving the coach thankfully) and although I ached a little I got through the day ok, it was more uncomfortable sitting on the coach, through the enterprise conference and Mamma Mia (which was marvellous entertainment) than it was traipsing about.
Was up early Tuesday morning for a recovery run from Russell Square through to Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, Regent Street, Oxford Street and back. This got rid of the last bit of stiffness fine. Wednesday mornings run, which veered left at The Savoy and took in Embankment and Whitehall too, and Thursdays were however not so good. I just didn't feel right, fatigued is the best way to describe it so yesterday just consisted of a cycle commute and today is a complete rest day. No it wont help me reach my last target of the year, 2000 miles, but that is just a number. I will go out tomorrow morning and may go as far as 12 miles but if I don't feel right will turn right on round and come home.
I will finish off by giving you another picture, this time from last nights firework display where I got to use the firework setting on my camera for the first time, let me tell you I was suitably excited :-)

Saturday, 16 November 2013
Feeling blessed, dedicated to you all!
Don't worry I am going to try my best not to post a load of old spirtual claptrap but am feeling extremely positive about where I am with my running and life in general at the moment so am going to share the reasons why with you my loyal followers :-)
I have my 30 mile race tomorrow, is actually a 10 mile multi terrain race organised by my club but I am running it three times. At the time I suggested doing it it was partly to give me something to aim for and partly to try and keep peopple interested in my fundraising effort. The fact that I am actually going to be starting it tomorrow though, after some strong training over the last few months, has allowed me to take stock a little over the last few weeks of my 2013 journey.
Unless you are a complete newbie, in which case Hi *waves* :-) , you will know it is only 7 months since I landed on the bench and the challenge that had consumed my life for 18 months so unceremoniously and abruptly unravelled. Now I read with, unfortunately, regularity about other peoples trials and tribulations with injuries and other problems that stops them doing the thing we all love running and this makes me appreciate even more where I have come from and where I am today. if you are one of those who isn't able to run at the moment it probably wont help but I will in part run tomorrows race for you guys and gals. Stay strong, be patient, it will, as the old going says, all come out in the wash!
I'm sure If I read back through my infrequent blogs I will see that I have mentioned this point time and time again but with the aforementioned challenge there was always a very fine line between whether I was doing it more for me or for the sake of the charities I support. Well over the last few weeks I have made a half baked attempt at getting this years fundraising total up to £5000 before gift aid, I am going to fall a couple of hundred pound short I think but hey who is counting (lots of people I'm sure but you get my drift). Again though I feel blessed that I have managed to raise this amount and what must be close to £10000 since I started pounding the tarmac. This is solely down to you lovely lovely people who have made the kind donations, whether you be Fetchies, FB friends, Twitter followers or one of the normal people ;-) such as friends, friends of friends or one of my wonderful students past or present. So the race tomorrow will also be for you, there are more than one of you that I know for a fact gave to the cause when times were hard, again including students who spent their very own beer tokens supporting me *cheers *pint*
Lastly I keep on remembering small details of the levels people went to to support me during the challenge in addition to the kind donations. I can't even begin to list what all this support consisted of but I will always be in your debt, every last one of you, and will be back asking for help again in 2015 x There is however one person who stands out today who offered incredible support with route planning, offers of accommodation and general advice and encouragement. That I haven't met this guy for over 20 years since we both uncermoniously dropped out of Liverpool University after 1 year (we didn't have a choice really, attending some lectures may have helped) makes his level of support even more incredible. Unfortunately this friend lost his wife, and I don't know the ins and outs, what seemed extremely suddenly this week. Certainly again this is something that, I'm sure, makes many of us appreciate what we have even more and I know for many of you will get you thinking of what you have lost. So I am also going to be running the 30 miles for all you guys who have made this year so much easier for me in so many ways but mainly in memory of my friends wife and all you other people who still miss departed loved ones.
So I don't want your donations this time just for you to keep on being you and at some point between 9 and 2 tomorrow spare a thought for those a little less unfortunate than yourselves at the moment, unfortunately it can only take a split second for the shoe to be on the other foot. So thanks again, whatever happens in the race tomorrow, and it at the very least looks like being dry which is good, it will be you guys that are pushing me on when, for instance, I get to the killer hill for the last time.
Cheers! Peaceout!
Saturday, 19 October 2013
2014 Plans Mk3
Another change of plans for 2014. laura was, rightly, not overly impressed that I had booked the Joust 24HR race the weekend of her 40th Birthday. I't wasn't intentional you know, I don't think of these sort of things, one look and I soon realised my error though :-) So it will be a nice relaxing time away that weekend in September instead. I did suggest we could do the Joust together but, err well, no! In its place I have booked for me and Joint Ear Knee to run as a pair at Endure24 in June instead. Is only 2 months after VLM so decided against taking the solo plunge then, just don't think I would do myself justice regards what I would hope to get out od such an event and the preparation I would require. In addition to these still plan to enter Likey's Beacons Ultra next November too.
Looking forward to tomorrows run with club which will be a recce of the MT10 course I am going to attempt to run three times in a row in 4 weeks time. Hopefully along with helping to mark out the course the day before the race this will get me over my concern of going off course.
Trip to the flicks last night to see Sunshine on Leith, thoroughly enjoyed, can think of a million and one worse ways to spend two hours of my life. Catch it if you can, good entertainment.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
The old dog bares his teeth!
Well well well. Let me talk you through my day.
Was supposed to be up at 6 this morning to get ready to leave at 7 as was supposed to be taking the students to an educational visit to Bristol Zoo, workbooks to complete and everything. Actually woke at 0650 out of routine as I had set my alarm wrong. One huge rush later I was on my way to meet the students in the pouring rain. By the time the coach was half way to Bristol I had made the executive decision that a day in the zoo was not going to work so after a bit of sweet talking the students were happy as they had £17 in their pockets that would have gone on entry and the driver was persuaded to take us to Cribbs causeway for some retail therapy instead. It was clearly the right decision as we were all soaked through just walking the 150 metres from the bus park to 'The Mall' (there words not mine.)
So first things first me and my two colleagues decided it was time to find a cafe and have a pot of tea and a slice of cake which actually turned into a beautiful warm scone, clotted cream and strawberry jam. At 10AM it was pure decadence I know :-) Anyway it was at this point that my little voice started saying 'you will be home earlier than usual maybe you shouldn't have a rest day after all?' After a walk around the shops and the identification of the new Tim Burgess, The Streets and Neil Young autobiographys and Stone Roses: War and Peace book to add to my list for Santa it was time for a Nandos for lunch. Halloumi cheese and portobello mushroom pitta with spicy rice and side salad consumed with pleasure and I was certain I was going out when I got home.
However then I had the two hour coach journey back to contend with which, as I am sure you will appreciate, was extremely tiring so was not really feeling it when I got home. I am too old, ugly and experienced to let that stop me though, I knew it was just a case f get home, don't sit down, get changed, get out and have a plod safe in the knowledge that by the time I got home from 6 miles tea would nearly be ready. Yes my life revolves around food, really whose doesn't?
I was not execting much from the run though, 6 miles and I would be back within an hour was all I could be sure of and with that I was out of the door. And that was it I just ran without concern for pace as I find myself doing more and more. When the garmin beeped for mile three though I glanced at the time and thought ooh I must be going at a fair (for me) pace and before I knew it the 6 miles were over and I had actually done 6.2 as I knew I was shifting (again for me) and wanted to measure my 10k time. Well it turns out I came in at 49.11 minutes with each mile progressively faster. Wasn't even that hard, yes I worked harder than I have been but it has given me a huge boost as I start look forward to December and the start of my VLM plan and what will be my first speed work since last summer. If I can get within 5 mins of my 10k pb with minimal effort off absolutely no speed work at all maybe just maybe there really is life in the old dog yet?
Monday, 7 October 2013
Is it too early?
Is it too early to talk about plans for 2014 that is? Saying that I am only writing this as I just realised it is only quarter to eight which may be a little too early for bed. Not much mind...
Anyway most of my plans are in place for 2014 but first I feel I should fill everyone in on what has been happening in the last month or two and what I have on the agenda for the rest of 2013.
The base training has obviously served me well since the wheels fell off on the Pennines back in April and am now back up to around 50 miles a week which meant that last week I reached one of my initial targets for the year which was to break the 1500 mile barrier. That is the 4th year in a row I have made it to 1500 and the quickest by two weeks so the race is on now to try and break 2000 for the first time. With the plan as it stands it is possible but could well see me scratching around for miles on New Years Eve.
So what are the plans, well currently I am preparing for the triple Sospan MT10 in November which could be a really tough 30 miles, especially if the weather doesn't play game. Of course 30 miles is always hard but will be even harder when I begin my third 10 mile lap when everyone else is completing their first and only lap. Not quite sure why I said I would do it now but once you have put it out there you are committed isn't it. I am looking forward to it anyway but will be nice next year to actually do an official ultra for the first time.
After that 30 miler I will have a 3 week 'break' before beginning an 18 week P&D training plan for VLM. This is where my plans for next year, which regular readers (oxymoron?) will realise, have begun to change. I was signed up to do the Multi Stage Severn Challenge at the end of May/start of June but after much procrastination and deliberation have realised I have to do the right thing and leave it for another time. Mrs T is taking the youngest to Manchester for three days to see One Direction at the same time and although I could probably find places for the elder two to stay I can't leave my daughter in the middle of her GCSEs, well I oculd but ownt. Not really a hard decision to make? Anyway with the Severn Challenge off I have also scrapped the plan to do a double VLM, which was to be part of the training, and just give everything I have got to try and get a PB instead. Sub 3.20 is the goal. There we are I have put it out there again :-) Think is possible, especially if I continue the good work on the healthy eating front which has seen me lose 11lb since the end of August which is what I put on post injury and then some. My lightest in about two years I think and I hope to lose another stone.
After VLM I am fully signed up to Ultra Running Limited's 'The Joust 24HR' as a solo participant so that will clearly be my main focus after London, need to try and find a 12 hour/50 mile event at some stage around end of June or start of July ideally. Any ideas please let me know (waits for Mrs S to make a Scotland suggestion). Am also planning to do a little more on the bike over the Summer and have already tentatively arranged two or three Summer days in the Lakes with my brother, brother in law, families and others. V'rap, El Bee put the kettle on x
Apart from that am intent on doing the Likeys Beacons Ultra next November and then it will be 2015 and.......
Will start/continue to shake the charity bucket too, would love to reach £5000 for the year.
So what are your plans?
Monday, 8 July 2013
Hardly Chris Vroom
Been a week or two, maybe longer, since I wrote anything so bear with me if I ramble but do be aware that this is very much a cycling blog and may well end up with me asking more questions than telling you what has been happening but I will try to begin with telling you what has been happening with my training.
Firstly I ran 165 miles in June which should convince me that everything is in proper working order now, still doing all the runs at 70%WHR and below but with my plans as they are I don't think I have a lot of reason to go much faster although I am going to introduce a weekly tempo run or interval session by the end of the month.
The major excitement of the last few weeks has been regards my work joining the Cycle 2 Work scheme. My colleagues in my office thought it was hysterical how excited I became when I received the email about the scheme, more excited than their children at Christmas by all accounts. So I had a peruse of what was on offer and within the range set and after road testing it plumped for the Cannondale Caad 8 Tiagra with dual purpose pedals (I will buy some shoes v.soon but am currently using the flats) and specialized puncture resistant tyres. Here is a link if you want a peek:
Since putting a photo in the gallery on Fetch I have been confused by a couple of comments. One I was asked was what heat it is packing on the back? I don't know? The spec is above, you tell me? and then explain what it means please :-) is a technical discipline in lots of ways and I need educating. Also there were a few comments about the reflectors, hadn't really noticed them myself, is it uncool to have them or something?
Anyway as soon as I knew when the bike would be ready I entered yesterdays Pedal for Parkinson's 55 miler that was starting less than 2 miles from my front door and having covered only 38 miles on the bike before the event was not sure how it would go, as I didn't know over half the route and it was a tad warm. I think it went ok. Was actually only 50 miles because Pembrey Forest is still waterlogged :-0 but I completed it in 3hrs 40 mins with around 750 metres of ascent and descent, can you see the profile from this link?
The most positive part of the ride for me was actually the ascents, I found them relatively easy and was passing a lot of people and not being passed myself. Could this be just because I am fitter than the average bear? What I don't understand is why so many people were passing me on the downhills, not the winding ones, where I may have been guilty of riding on my brakes a little, but the long straight downhills? Would you be in the highest gear on these and giving it all or freewheeling? I can't recall what was happening now just that people were passing me by as if I was going backwards. Anyway I enjoyed and the clotted cream and raspberry pavlova double scoop ice cream at the end was to die for, as was the copious amount of ice cold cider I drank for the rest of the day watching Murray own Djokovic and Chris Froome being abandoned by Team Sky.
Funniest part of the ride for me though was quite early on after getting to the top of one of the aforementioned ascents feeling quite fresh and passing a lot of the riders who had stopped at the top to take a breather. As I headed down a winding descent safe in the knowledge there was no-one behind me I was joking to myself that I should be called Chris Vroom just as I rounded a bend in a relatively high gear to be faced immediately by a steep ascent. Suffice to say I was too late changing gears and stopped dead so then had to resume from a standing start on one of the steepest ascents of the day, lots of people passed me then. Will teach me for showing off :-)
So I like the bike but as I said to my BIL last night I am still a runner, I have to be with the races I have entered and am happy to be, but I can sort of see how the bike takes over for some people. I would normally have a rest day on a Monday but was so easy to get on the bike and do a quick(ish) recovery ride of 12 miles earlier. I know it is a new toy but it seems easier to motivate myself for the bike, I certainly don't recall even when I only had the MTB thinking I really don't fancy this as I do sometimes with running. That said I fully intend to get 50 miles in on two feet this week, is just that I will probably do 100 on the bike too.
I'm going to finish by saying how much it makes me laugh that people are now moaning about it being too hot to run. Although I do feel for those completing endurance events you just have to slow down and stay hydrated don't you? Is all about perceived effort isn't it? If for instance you have an interval session lined up yes you may be a fair bit slower than the norm for the same effort but you are still making that effort, you don't go out and try even harder to go your normal pace do you? At least I wouldn't......
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Why I do what I do...
I feel very enriched at this moment in my life and this is down in no small part to the returns I get from my running and my job. Of course my family are in the equation too but you don't need me to tell you the pleasure that can be derived from having a wonderful partner, children, siblings and parents. I am however going to tell you how the other things in my life make it worth getting up everyday and doing them.
There is so much more pleasure to be gained from running than the usual keeping fit and healthy (although clearly it is a big part of it) that some non runners see as the only possible benefit. I have been hearing on the Sky Sports news loop that the Olympics has apparently not had the affect on sports participation numbers that was hoped and in the last 6 months apparently numbers have fallen. Well that is not the impression I get when I am out? Not sure how they went about this survey but I wasn't asked and I'm pretty sure a lot of the runners, riders and people (boys and girls) playing football that I saw when I was out for a post chinese and cider plod this morning were not involved in the equation either. A lot of these people I'm sure aren't a part of any clubs but are still out there doing it and brightening my day up. Taking this morning's run as an example I bumped into a friend that I wouldn't have as a friend if it wasn't for running and who was encouraging two people running with her to keep pushing. It was hard out there too, they were running into a very strong headwind, they were smiling though, I don't know if it was because they were (I think) nearing the end of the run, whether it was at the madness of it all or just because they were enjoying themselves. It may have been a combination of all these factors, either way it made me happy, it still is. A little further along my route I spent about 5 minutes running past oncoming cyclists, many of them very young, heads down and grinding it out into the same headwind, think it must have been a charity ride or something similar. Yes some of the riders were struggling, it is no surprise I have cycled into the wind on the coastal path myself, it is bloody hard. Despite their struggle there were still lots of smiles and hellos to be had and I am pretty sure though, however tough they may have found it they will have made it to their turning point and then enjoyed the glory of having the wind behind them on the way back. This makes me happy too as does the thought that maybe just maybe one or two of them will have enjoyed themselves so much that they will do something similar again next weekend and maybe take a few mates with them. All of these people, along with the dog walkers, walkers, other runners and riders, people on scooters etc etc are just part of the reason I do what I do, you don't get to meet these people with your bum parked on the sofa do you?
The talk of these people lead me on to another reason I do what I do, I have gained so many friends from my running adventures, some I have met once or twice, some I know well, some I know enough to say hello to as they pass me by, some I have never met, but all of which I class as a friend. Hopefully I will get to meet every last one properly one day. Maybe they would actually quite like to meet me too, maybe they have never thought about it, I don't care, they are why I do what I do.
Also without these people I wouldn't have had found the inspiration that comes from the likes of Rosie Swales Pope, Andrew Murray, Mimi Anderson and today's inspiration Richard Whitehead. Read more about his challenge and support him here: All amazing individuals doing amazing feats. It doesn't matter whether they are doing it for themselves, for charity or for both, they inspire me and are why I do what I do.
Away from running I will admit to being a little under whelmed with my job until the last week or so, it is partly the time of year and the constant battle with the students to get coursework finished and revise for exams and I guess partly to do the growing restrictions on time. I am basically getting 30 minutes to an hour less a week to teach the same things as when I started 6 years ago. Now don't get me wrong, I am not moaning, I realise it is the same whatever line of work you are in, it is a sign of the times. It just gets me down a bit, I have always been against teaching people to solely pass exams, I think I have more to offer, but it seemed there was not much room to do much else. However I have just completed a couple of weeks in work that make it all worthwhile and have allowed me to realise exactly why I do what I do. My tutor group have just completed their 2nd year and have left for a Summer of fun before starting the next stage of their lives, whether it be university, work or travelling. They have been a good group on the whole, yes I have had to shout a lot but we have had some laughs along the way too. Some of these students I have taught for three years and guided on to the vocational pathway after they struggled with their AS exams. Good kids! Now it would be easy to imagine some of the amazing presents I have been given by this group, and they were amazing, would be enough to make me want to continue doing what I do but the messages I have recieved both in person and in thank you cards mean so much more. It is clear that many of them see me not just as someone who has helped them pass their course but just as much, if not more, someone who has helped shape them as a person. I am not going to share individual messages as some of them may read this blog, and I don't want to embarrass anyone, but it is sufficient to say that some of the messages fill me with immense pride. They are special people and I feel quite secure in the knowledge that our future is in their hands. Please do not buy into this 'kids today' viewpoint pedalled by the mass media. Total bullshit. They are why I do what I do....
Thursday, 6 June 2013
5k @ Marathon Pace
Another bootiful sunny day here in the Wales.
Felt a bit tired cycling to work and back today, achy quads.
Was the first 5k race of the local Fusion series tonight so what better way to get 6 mile or so in the bank than to haver a trot around there and throw some pennies in the coffers of the 2nd ;-) best race organiser in Llanelli. After parkrun on Saturday I promised myself I would be a little more sensible and decided to go at marathon pack WHR. I don't actually think I would ever do a marathon by WHR but is a good guide to where you are.
Anyways it was lovely to be involved in a race again and see so many friendly faces and I ended coming in averaging 155 bpm which is just below 75% whr which I think is about marathon pace having read the literature. Time was just over 25 minutes or 8.05mm pace which would bring me in at just outside my marathon PB. Not sure I could actually run 26.2 miles at that pace right now although it was extremely comfortable but seems about right for where I think I am right now. Was slowing down though, a definite positive split, but I expected that with a slight head wind for the second half of the race.
All interesting stuff though as far as I'm concerned, hopefully I will be free in a month for the next race in the series and see what progress has been made then before the Cardiff half plan begins.
Dairy Milk with Oreo, no guilt.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
How very dare she?
Laura had a good tidy up yesterday and left a pile of running shoes out for me asking which ones could be binned, if they could be binned they would already be binned right? To be fair I did once throw one boot out of a pair of £100+ boots of hers away so I should be grateful for small mercys right?
Anyway back to the shoes, two of the four pairs Laura was enquiring about have never been used, Inov8 Road x33s which are more minimal than anything I have ever run in and which I won in a competition a while back and have never got round to using. There were also a pair of Inov8 Roclite trail shoes with about 150 miles in and an old, but barely used, pair of Mizuno Wave Hood trail shoes. I am sure they will both be used again in the future, will be doing at least one trail race this year and a few off road ultras next year are planned....
My return keeps gathering momentum, disregarding the (as I was rightly informed) STOOPID interval session I did last week. Ran Llyn Llech Owain Parkrun for the third time Saturday and came in at 23.43 with some left in the tank. Don't think I had an extra minute a mile in the tank which would be PB pace but a little so was quite happy, was better than I expected put it that way. Had a nice run with Sospans on Sunday morning at around 75% WHR then, nearly 7 miles so edging the mileage back up slowly.
Today has been scorchio here in South Wales so knew todays run home between 60-70% WHR wouldn't be breakiing any records but again was not unhappy with 6.18 miles in just under an hour. Decided than that I would start to break the aforementioned Inov8 Roads in tonight with a lap of the field to warm up, a core circuit session, and then a lap of the field to warm down. Unfortunately the bus was an hour late getting Rob for youth club so I scrapped the circuits :-) and just did two laps in them, felt good. Will get up at an ungodly hour in the morning and do the circuits, no really I will...
Plans for the rest of the week go something like this, club run tomorrow night between 60-70% WHR (note to self to not attach myself to leading pack) gentle jog to and from the first of the local 5k series on Thursday, run that at no more than 75% WHR, run home from work Friday and then 8 miles on my own Sunday morning as most of the club are off to do the Castles relay, both at 60-70% WHR. Throw in a couple of core and strength sessions and some mile son Veera and will be another strong week to tick off.
Hope the sun is shining for you :-)
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Life is like a box of chocolates...
Yesterday was positive, today not so great, an excuse for a bit of Bowie though, the next day...
Had a bit of a reaction in the leg this morning, first time since started running again, clearly down to yesterdays intervals. Is nothing serious but a little ache that hasn't been there for many weeks, around 6 I would hazard a guess at. Who knows if this may become problematic? Not me but for now I predict short term yes long term no. Ok I wont be running today and will have to scratch flat out speed work for at least another 4 weeks but I actually think the reaction is just because the leg is not used to the full range of motion and pounding thast intervals bring, the doctor said it could be a stiff for a while and it has been when fully extended. So no speed work for 4 weeks and then introduce it a lot more slowly and build up to eyeball popping intervals, easy (I hope)
Plan for today now includes a couple of hours on Veera and an afternoon and evening on the sauce with friends from work and outgoing students. Previous experience suggests this will be good fun, we will stay with the students until they start to become silly and then go our separate ways and be even sillier :-)
Will hopefully get some gentle hangover busting miles in tomorrow, maybe running but if not will have to be on Veera again.
Have a meeting with the powers that be at Bobby Moore Fund on Friday as they want to discuss a few ideas I have, is very exciting I must say. Don't worry though it doesn't involve me doing anything crazy, promise....
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
I could have had a baby!
I took another step on the road to recovery this morning but before I tell you about that let me just fill you in on how the running has been going since we last met.
Have been slowly upping the mileage and did 6.7 miles with the Sospans on a beautiful sunny morning on Sunday. Have been trying to keep below 70% WHR which has been going ok, averaging about 9.30mm pace. The good thing about going with club though is that I slowly start off and then attach myself to the front runners so the last two Sundays have been progressive runs starting off at around 10.00mm pace but slowly building up so I have been finishing averaging 9mm pace. Has given me a bit of confidence back :-)
Anyway back to this morning, well I decided a few days ago that I would do an interval session of 4 x 400m today before giving parkrun a good bash on Saturday to see where I am and what I can aim for in John Hartson 10k in 4 weeks time. A spanner in the works immediately though when I got to the school at the bottom of the hill to find it locked so I couldn't use the track. I know it is half term but is usually open by that time, ho hum. Decided then to go to a long(ish) straight and very quiet road I know about a mile further on. Turns out the road was 241 metres long but I still only did 4 intervals. The first one was at 4.59mm pace, didn't even know I could run that fast, nearly killed me, the final 3 all at 5.40mm pace. I was shagged right out. Now I knew that I had not done much like this for a while as I did lots of long slow miles in build up to the challenge but just been back through the training log and turns out the start of August was my last 'speed' session. Over 9 months ago, like I said I could have had a baby in that time. At least I have a good base. So not overly excited or disappointed, glad to have done it and llike I said will see where Saturday takes me, got half a plan in mind but am not sharing it yet.
And to think I was blaming the pregnant look on too many pies.....
Sunday, 12 May 2013
2nd Gear
Have to say it has been a good week in Chez Rogerson, I haven't won the lottery or anything like that but I am a week into my comeback and am generally happy with my progress. Did a whole mile on Wednesday and upped that to 1.1 miles on Friday, both with no ill affects apart from a little stiffness in an old hip flexor war wound. Discussed the situation with Laura after Fridays' run and with her acquiescence decided I would ramp the mileage up a little quicker than I first planned. My thiinking is that if there is no reaction why shouldn't I go further, is my base fitness I need to work on again. Headed out this morning after 12.5 on Veera with a route in mind that would probably cover about 3-4 miles without ever being more than half a mile from home in case anything did flare up. 3.5 miles later and everything was fine :-) Kept it slow at below 70%WHR and felt extremely comfortable, coming in at 9.38mm pace, so next target is to join up with the running club next Sunday morning and do 5 or 6 miles with them. Am going to do Llyn Llech Owain parkrun slowly on Saturday too, hopefully as sweeper so I don't get too excited and overcook it.
Have carried on with the strength work too and that has been harder, as I think I mentioned previously has been 3 years or so since I stopped doing it regularly, although I have had some sporadic core sessions. Am quite unimpressed by my weakness and how much I am aching from gentle squats etc but is a work in progress and will all come together and be worth it further on down the line. Am debating whether to join in with a kettlebell class on Tuesday night but am not entirely sure I am ready for it yet. Thoughts?
Another improved week on the dietary front too, only one bad day and no alcohol, so tomorrows weigh in shouldn't be too bad.
Keeping on with the easy sub 70%WHR running until the end of May then, all being well, am going to introduce some intervals and tempo runs to get a bit of pace in the legs ready for Llanelli 10k on June 30th which I will run to HR.
*Wanders off to revise his plan....*
Monday, 6 May 2013
34 days later...
34 days since the wheels came spectacularly crashing off the challenge and today was a huge step forward.
I am back in the hospital tomorrow morning and although I have felt capable of running for the last week or so I have been good and held myself back. I have however been cycling a few miles, up to 15 on the longest day, and also joined the local gym to motivate me to get back to my strength training.
Is a beautiful day today in Llanelli and I already knew that I was going out on Veera to meet up with the running clucb who were going for their traditional bank holiday breakfast run which ends up in Wetherspoons. I also decided pretty much as soon as I woke up that I was going to try a little run post cycle, half a mile at most?, to test the injury. My thinking being that if it played up I could stop immediately and be able to tell the hospital that there was still a problem and if it didn't I would be able to report that.
Well after covering about 10 miles, very slowly, on Veera, with scrambled egg on toast and a mug of green tea in the middle, I got home and immediately donned my new running shoes. The next step was a walk down to the field so I wouldn't be tackling any inclines or declines. Before I knew it, with my heart rate rising rapidly (I have never been so bloody nervous about a run) I was tentatively under way, it felt very strange almost like I had never run before. However I ran to the end of the field and back to the bridge and didn't feel the injury once so as long as nothing flares up in the next 24 hours I would hope I am back on the road. even managed to do 9.30mm pace when I looked, I thought I had gone a lot slower. So is baby steps from here, have been very sensible for the last 34 days, I must continue to be so. My only target at the moment is to hopefully be ready to run my local 10k by the end of June, not for a time, just run it, I will just listen to my body.
Now I know there are going to be lots of excited blogs later about marathons and other races, pb's etc but I will be very surprised if anyone is as happy as I am right now I am going to celebrate today with a day off the healthy eating plan but tomorrow the hard work (happily) starts VLM 2014 is the big focus now....
Don't call it a comeback, I am back...
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
An undulating day!
A day of real ups and downs, this may go on a while, sorry, stop reading now if you like, I would :-)
Was back to work today with the protective boot and had the sense of dread I am sure you have all experienced. Basically as the challenge had covered the Easter holidays I had only missed 9 days of teaching but I knew the vocational students wouldn't have done any of the coursework I had spoonfed them before my departure and as well as that I just wasn't looking forward to facing everyone and having to talk about what had happened over and over. Was talking to Mrs T about it last night and she said how concerned she had been about my mental state over the last few weeks, I thought I had been quite philosphical about the whole thing, I am usually the type not to get to excited about the good stuff or down about the bad stuff, but apparently I have been very down :-( Anyway, as is also usually the case, it wasn't so bad once I was in work. The students were all exceptionally lovely and genuinely sad for me as were my colleagues, many of whom I have very rarely spoken to if at all. We have our own little staffroom right near the back entrance/exit and don't really have much interaction with the other lecturers.
I knew it was a relatively short day with my last lesson finishing at 1430 so arranged to meet up with my bestest work buddy and show her my photos of the challenge. Yes she is a woman, Laura calls her my work wife, she is very good at looking after me and reminding me of things such as birthdays and anniversarys etc. Is this odd? Anyway this was basically the first time I had been through all the photos from start to finish and definitely the first time I had really reflected on everything I had done over the 6 and a bit days I was running and realised just what a fantastic experience it was. So many really good memories of places I visited and, more importantly, the people I met. Great stuff.
Then I got home and logged onto fetch everyone (Check it out really), the running website and forum I use, and had a message which told me I was member of the month for March. What can I say except WOW :-0 The fact that people took the time to vote for me made me realise yet again just how much my trek captured the imagination and once again I thank you all. I will never forget the support, kind words of encouragement and understanding offered to me in the last 6 weeks and more. I hope I can repay you all in kind one day, for certain if any of you are ever in Llanelli or surrounding area please let me know and I will show you some Welsh hospitality.
I asked many knowledgable people on Fetch last night if Chester in October (for a sub 3.15 attempt) was a viable target considering where I am with injury right now. To sum up I think the general consensus ranged from no to probably not to why don't you just train and see how it goes (a politer way of saying no ;-) ) I am happy to take this advice on board and having not yet entered am going to make a decision in the next two weeks whether to enter Chester regardless or make a low 1.30s attempt at Cardiff Half my target race for the Autumn, allowing myself a better recovery period and slower return, and then go for the sub 3.15 in London next year. Long term thinking but possibly wiser. I know right at this moment, and more on why in a second, I am probably going to go for the Cardiff option.
After the success of last nights cycle I went out again after tea tonight, in freezing fog, planning on going about a mile further but turned for home after just over half a mile as the injury started to hurt a little more than it has. This is not, I think, a case of me trying to do to much, the doctor clearly said yesterday that I can do cycling, swimming, gym work as the pain dictates. It does however put things back into a little clearer context, is only three weeks since I stopped the run and I clearly have a way to go. Hence why Cardiff is probably the best option, who knows maybe that will end up being too soon as well, we shall see. Nothing now until Saturday when I will try to cycle the 1.5 miles to the pool and gym. At the least I can do some upper body work.
So a day of good bits, hard bits and take stock bits. All I do know for sure is I am shattered.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Think that is the word the doctor used in the hospital now. Just been back to the review clinic where the continued swelling although improved, has been three weeks now since intial problem, and ongoing pain, especially in certain situations or positions led to another xray. Although it showed no fracture or anything apparently it did show that the lining of the bone was inflamed and/or has dis-attached itself from the bone which also explains the infection too. I think he said this lining was called the periosteum? Anyway I now have a protective boot to wear if I am to be on my feet for a length of time or as pain dictates. I am to return to the review clinic in two weeks where a decision will be made on an MRI but I am hoping the improvement continues and that will be the end of it. The doctor was very good and thorough in his explanations and although he made it quite clear that I shouldn't start running in these two weeks other exercise such as swimming, cycling and weights will be fine, again as pain dictates. When I do start running, 2 weeks fingers crossed please everyone, I am to start from scratch apparently, thing is I can't remember what scratch is ;-) I guess 1 mile to start with then if that is ok build up from there....
Today I am mostly being positive.
I WILL be at Chester marathon chasing that Boston GFA time for 2015........
Monday, 8 April 2013
I am Premier League - A Final Word
May I begin by thanking you all from the bottom of my heart for your support in the last few months or for looking after me on route if you were one of the lucky(?) ones who put me up, fed me and/or run, drove or cycled with me whilst I was grinding out the miles. Your support really was truly amazing and now the dust is beginning to settle makes me feel honoured to know you all, it is one of if not the most rewarding part of my journey and has fully restored my faith in human nature. That I had not met many of you before, and some I still haven't unfortunately, just goes to further emphasise just how incredible the support has been. I owe lots of you a drink or two and am adamant that I will make this happen at some point in the future.
Just to clear up the situation regards my halted progress for those of you who maybe aren't aware I ended up in Blackburn A + E (a nissan hut with zero heating) last Wednesday with a red and painful lower right shin and foot. As it happens this pain had begun a week ago today after meeting Andy as I passed by Wakefield. The last 10 miles of 30 to Hillsborough that day were pretty sore but I was willing to take a chance that it was another niggle that would fade away although deep down I had a bad feeling. However I still managed to negotiate 32 memorable, if bloody painful, miles across the Pennines on the Tuesday before hobbling from Etihad to Old Trafford on the Wednesday. The injury was diagnosed as a stress reaction in the hospital and it was made quite clear to me that I would not be able to continue, and this was obviously correct as I have barely been able to walk since. Have just returned from the doctors this morning as I was hoping to book an ultrasound as recommended but I have been told it is not necessary at this point. Turns out the leg is badly infected so I have got some super strong antibiotics and some anti-inflammtories and been told to rest completely for a few days (just bought The Hobbit so that is this afternoon sorted at least) and am to return to the doctor next Monday to see how things are progressing. Maybe, just maybe, I wont be out for as long as I first thought, fingers crossed please everyone.
Thanks again. I love you all. I still managed to cover more than a marathon on average every day for the 7 days I was out there, even with the paltry 5 and a half hobbled miles on the last day included and without each and everyone of you this wouldn't have been possible.
Until next time...
Matt x
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Day 6 - The Pennines, Manchester tomorrow - The Pain continues
33.11 miles
Running total - 182.32 (? ish my brain not working)
Today was the hardest day of my life both mentally and physically, a nice run over the Pennines turned into a complete war of attrition with nearly 5000m of ascent and descent taking their toll on already tired legs and the shin that had been hurting since yesterday. To say I was in pain would be an understatement and more than once I questioned whether I could continue the challenge, to be honest if the pain doesn't subside in my shin on tomorrows hopefully easier route I will have to ask the question much more seriously, I do NOT want to drop out and do not intend to but I made a promise to myself and Laura that I wouldn't risk long term damage and I have no intention of breaking the promise.
So let me talk you through the day, we, myslef, Monsenb and John, were away from Sheffield Wednesday before 8 and although the shin was sore it was more than bearable even with the hills out into the Pennines, it was not until we passed the first reservoir and hit the trails that the real problems started. Roads and trails that should have been there were buried under, and this is not an exaggeration, 7 metre snow drifts which we seemed to spend most of the morning clambering up and down. When we weren't clambering we were on very uneven rocky trails and every twist and turn seemed to exacberate the pain in my shin, the uphills weren't so bad, the downhills torturous. That Jacob's Ladder was the highlight of my day sort of sums up how bad I found it. I say that and it wasn't actually the highlight, the igloo someone had dug into a snow drift was, another thinked ticked off my bucket list.
Stopping at around 23 miles for a pre-ordered lunch in Haywood was nice, steak baguette and chips, but by that time the damage had been done and by mile 29 I made the decision that another 13 to the Etihad would be folly so I contacted Elle and arranged pick up in Marple which was another 4 miles away and meant I had been on the move for 9 and a half hours. At this point, and at the risk of disappointing some but it is tough, I have decided that I will start from the Etihad tomorrow which means I am missing out just under 9 miles, whether I will do an extra 9 somewhere along the line I don't know but I do know that adding them on to tomorrows run, at this point, is not an option. I will need to grind out the miles to Blackburn tomorrow and then have what is a well needed sports massage off my host for tomorrow night.
Have been spoilt properly by Elle and her partner tonight, a beuatiful home made lasagne, golden syrup roly poly, some nice beer and a specially bought for me lush bath bomb soak in the bath so am feeling a huge amount better already. Looking forward to meeting more new people tomorrow, must say thankyou for the company today to Monsenb and John and once again thank you for all your support, sharing and donations, I really couldn't do it without you. Please don't stop :-)
One last thing, and I will ask elsewhere too, I am not going to carry my full kitbag tomorrow, I think it is a major contributor to my sin woes so am looking for ways to get it from Newton-Le-Willows to either Blackburn by tomorrow or Liverpool Travel Inn by Thursday. If you think you can help please let me know.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Day 5 To Sheffield, Manchester tomorrow
Another day in the bag, and a it was certainly a day of three halves :-)
Setting off from the hotel this morning with full kitbag for the first time I stopped in Burger King to pick up some breakfast to eat on route and I was away towards the city of Jess and the Arctic Monkeys, tidy :-) Walked the first 50 minutes and then got into my walk run routine of previous days heading through Wakefield and on towards Barnsley. I felt ok with the bag although it does slow you down a bit so I was looking forward to my brother joining me to take the weight off so to speak. Around 11.5 miles in he joined me in the car as he had quickly realised cycling the hills may have made him more of a hindrance than a help, especially with the pack and I was happier like this as the roads were quite busy and he could easily have overbalanced. He was amazed by the weight on the pack and made it quite clear I was not to carry it again lol, I didn't think it was that bad.....
This was a boost as you could imagine and I got some strong miles in up to around mile 20 where we stopped for a sandwich on the outskirts of Barnsley and I felt I had broken the back of another hilly day. Not long after setting off again the limbs started to ache though, particularly the bottom of my right leg on the shin bone, so although I managed to keep going it wasn't altogether comfortable but have had a good rest and been well fed by Monsenb now and everything seems ok. This is going to happen isn't it? I just have to be careful to ensure I know when it is aches and pains that are par for the course and when, which touch wood it wont be, it is more serious,
Anyway I got to Hillsborough via High Green (Arctic Monkeys fans?) and Penistone :-) Road and another 30.4 miles were in the bank, only 450 to go. Had my photo taken next to the Hillsborough Memorial, sent a bit of a shiver down my spine and just didn't feel in a celebratory mood about being there. Still remember the day it happened like it was yesterday, such sad and pointless wastes of life.
So another hard day, again not helped by the lack of donations. I know the majority of you readers have helped as much as you think you can but with the Easter break over and people back in front of their computers can I plead with you again to keep spreading the word and if you have any media contacts trying to raise the profile of the challenge. I know I keep on but is for a good cause I hope you agree.
Not wanting to moan though the positives still outweigh any negatives don't get me wrong, my lovely niece and nephew sent me an Easter egg each plus £3 each from their money boxes to buy some beer, I mean food, I got to see my brother and meet Monsenb again (he had bacon sandwiches waiting for me, how awesome is that?, and I have a Spurs bed :-) ) and had my usual past run chat and catch up with Laura which is always the highlight of the day.
Tomorrow the Pennines....
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Days 3 and 4. To Leeds
Day 3,- To Boroughbridge 36.9 miles
Set off earlyish this morning to get back to yesterday finish point and meet a friend of my brothers who was cycling with me and kindlt carrying my bag. Truth be told I was not looking forward to what promised to be a long day. Was well fed at best pizzeria in durham last night but a restless sleep. Anyway had a good start and promised myself a run 15 walk 5 min strategy. Hit Northallerton about half 12 and stopped at the Maspns Arms for lunch, cheese amd onion toastie and chips sat outside in the sun. At this point around 18 miles in maps suggested about 12 miles to go. Got my head down after lunch and the miles slowly ticked away as we passed through villages such as Asenby and called into a shop for a drink which was kindly given free of charge. Nice man :-) Anyway kept on keeping on buoyed by the way the Spurs and Saints games were going and finally arrived in Boroughbridge and my lovely hotel after a comfortable 37.2 miles. Resting up now before heading on to Leeds tomoz. Watched Doctor Who and Ant and Dec, eaten large portion of haddock and chips and now having aero hot chocolate avnd ginger snaps courtesy of Great Western hotels. It would be rude noteat doons today but still (best Bob Geldof impression) not enough. Hhough thanks everyone. I'm off to bed, ime same place tomoz....
Day 4 to Leeds 29.6 miles
Have I really done 4 days already? I know is early days really but feeling physically and mentally strong although I guess this is changeable. Take the first hour and a half this morning for instance, not great and took a long time to really get into my stride even after an intial 45 minute walk to let my full English settle. By the time i got through Knaresbrough? and into Harrogate on Leeds Road (A61) was on a roll though which is all good and well as it was mildly undulating (understatement alert). Was trying to stick to 15-5 run walk strategy and certainly didn't do more than that but most 5 minute walks were preceded by a paused watch and a drink so I would imagine you are starting to realise was a bit slower than days 1-3. I did try chia energy drink for the first time having tried the flapjacks previously. These are runners products made by a runner/master baker and are absolutely amazing. Don't worry I am not being sponsored by them but you should try them out. Anyways back to the run, after negotiating the hills it was time to search out Leeds best hidden secret, Elland Road, had to go through thé city centre and was à struggle. First sign post i saw was when stadium was in sight.
Thé stadium made up for any tribulations in first 28 miles though as I met actual people. This was my first solo run of the challenge although still not with full pack as most kit was kindly dropped off at today's hotel by yesterdays running partner who also supplied much needed, yes really sun cream, thanks Abbo. Anyway back to Elland Road, took a photo of Billy Brenner AND then asked a group of people if they would take a photo of me. Turns out they were from Wales to e of them wals an avid fan and is his 50th Birthday. So had a chat with them, told them my story which they promised to look up and shook hands. They wanted to go and see Don then but I wanted to sit down, phone my brother, and get bearings for my hotel. As I was sat there an older gentleman approached and began to wax lyrical about Billy and how Leeds would be ok if they had him now. Turns out the bloke, Geoff, is a lifelong fan who had travelled over from Australia to see a few games, not for the first time either. I discovered he was from Sydney when I asked where in America he was from. Accents never were my forte :-) Anyway me and Geoff sat and chatted and set the football world to rights for a good twenty minutes during which time he chucked a fiver into my charity pot which was very kind. Apart from the charity fundraising meeting new interesting people was one of my main morivations, Geoff was one of these people and made my day.
So 29.6 miles today takes me to just shy of 120 in first four days, have been down to the restaurant had a nice meal and a couple of pints and am looking forward immensely to tomorrow as my brother is meeting me on route to carry my bag and I get to spend tomorrow evening with a fellow Spurs fan Monsenb.
Not as many donations as I'd
ike today but is Easter Sunday so not entirely unexpected.
That's all folks. See you tomorrow in Sheffield?
Friday, 29 March 2013
Day Two Horden to Low Lane
26.29 miles
Today was a hard day, not harder physically than yesterday I think but mentally, Teeside is really not the most inspiring of places but I had good company and is in the bag now.
I had a great start to the day with an email from Bobby Moore's wife Stephanie wishing me all the best and asking me to keep her updated on my progress along with a pile of early morning donations. £170 in the last two days but still need more if I am going to stay motivated and the charities are really going to benefit, so even if you can spare a pound please do.
Anyway started a little later today from the layby where I left off last night, there was a burger van there but I resisted. we did meet Claire and Graham there though with a bag of goodies for me including hobnob bars, liqorice allsorts and a jar of marmite (which I had never tried but have now, more on that later). so myself and Anna set off with Flip supporting in the car today through Horden, Blackhall and on to Hartlepool. Is sad how these communities are clearly still feeling the full impact of Maggie's reign nearly 30 years on, much like home really. Cross wires regards directions meant myself and Anna went through the centre of Hartlepool whilst Flip desperately mtried to locate us but I don't think we added a great deal on to the route, if anything, and we were soon heading out through the industrial wasteland and on towards the transporter bridge. I am not lying when I say this was the MOST uninspiring stretch of road I have ever run on and for a while I didn't think it was ever going to end,m the bridge seemed to get no closer....
However we eventually got over the bridge, which was exciting, and on to The Riverside Stadium for obligatory photos. A short stop hear to refuel and try to sort out the route for the afternoon as Flip was now in relatively unknown territory and my route instructions were a little ambiguous. After a slow start to the afternoon we came across a group of elderly cyclists who managed to give us some fantastic instructions as well as asking, when they found out about the challenge, if I was famous. Anna said not yet....
So basically that was it another 8 or 9 miles following my instructions and Flips wizardry with google maps got us over marathon distance and in a good place to meet tomorrows partner and finish for the day. A Shell garage where fuel rations were stocked up on.
A relatively short, it seemed to me, car journey home consisted of eating sandwiches and allsorts, drinking pop and catching up with my ever growing band of twitter and FB stalkers, I mean followers.
Back at the house have had marmite on toast (nice), bacon sandwiches (nicer) and a soak in a hot bath (bestest).
Have been invited out tonight to Lisrun and partners house for Pizza. Very kind I just hope they know how hungry I am ;-)
Until tomorrow, please keep the support coming, thanks for reading :-)
Today was a hard day, not harder physically than yesterday I think but mentally, Teeside is really not the most inspiring of places but I had good company and is in the bag now.
I had a great start to the day with an email from Bobby Moore's wife Stephanie wishing me all the best and asking me to keep her updated on my progress along with a pile of early morning donations. £170 in the last two days but still need more if I am going to stay motivated and the charities are really going to benefit, so even if you can spare a pound please do.
Anyway started a little later today from the layby where I left off last night, there was a burger van there but I resisted. we did meet Claire and Graham there though with a bag of goodies for me including hobnob bars, liqorice allsorts and a jar of marmite (which I had never tried but have now, more on that later). so myself and Anna set off with Flip supporting in the car today through Horden, Blackhall and on to Hartlepool. Is sad how these communities are clearly still feeling the full impact of Maggie's reign nearly 30 years on, much like home really. Cross wires regards directions meant myself and Anna went through the centre of Hartlepool whilst Flip desperately mtried to locate us but I don't think we added a great deal on to the route, if anything, and we were soon heading out through the industrial wasteland and on towards the transporter bridge. I am not lying when I say this was the MOST uninspiring stretch of road I have ever run on and for a while I didn't think it was ever going to end,m the bridge seemed to get no closer....
However we eventually got over the bridge, which was exciting, and on to The Riverside Stadium for obligatory photos. A short stop hear to refuel and try to sort out the route for the afternoon as Flip was now in relatively unknown territory and my route instructions were a little ambiguous. After a slow start to the afternoon we came across a group of elderly cyclists who managed to give us some fantastic instructions as well as asking, when they found out about the challenge, if I was famous. Anna said not yet....
So basically that was it another 8 or 9 miles following my instructions and Flips wizardry with google maps got us over marathon distance and in a good place to meet tomorrows partner and finish for the day. A Shell garage where fuel rations were stocked up on.
A relatively short, it seemed to me, car journey home consisted of eating sandwiches and allsorts, drinking pop and catching up with my ever growing band of twitter and FB stalkers, I mean followers.
Back at the house have had marmite on toast (nice), bacon sandwiches (nicer) and a soak in a hot bath (bestest).
Have been invited out tonight to Lisrun and partners house for Pizza. Very kind I just hope they know how hungry I am ;-)
Until tomorrow, please keep the support coming, thanks for reading :-)
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Day One - Newcastle to Horden
Mileage - 26.39 miles
Day one is over and was really very enjoyable.
Started at around 0930 this morning at St James Park where obligatory photos were taken with Sir Bobby, wor Jackie and the St James Park sign. Stuck a bit in the throat of my running partner Flip, who is a bonafide Mackem, but I still managed to take a photo of him, by stealth, smiling by the sign. First few miles were punctuated with lots of photo opportunities, including one by the aptly named 'Baltic' arts centre as was bloody cold to start with, but we soon got into our stride and were through the industrial side of Newcastle and towards the village of Borden where we stopped and our car guy for the day, Steven, was duly dispatched to buy some pork and wild mushroom sausages from a good old fashioned butchers. Flip is cooking these as I type and they will be consumed dans un sandwich very shortly before a 'proper' meal later. We dumped our jackets here as the sun had come out and was warming up nicely. Through Bordon and I got a call from the Sunderland echo (after an interview on BBC Tees radio this morning) asking when I would be at the Stadium of Light for photos. Arrived there around midday, a few photos, where Flip was much happier to be snapped, and some special flapjack, thanks Sioux. Next target was Seaham and rather than going along the foot pathless main road we 'cut' across the cliff tops, a fantastic view of a very angry sea, a bit of marshland and a few banks to scramble up and down. Flip was determined to get to Seaham, it being his childhood home, but was starting to feel it a little in his legs having run Hardmoors 55 over the weekend. So at Seaham and 19.5 miles Flip got in the car and I dumped my bag and looked to crack out some more miles as quickly as possible. met Flip a few times along the route here for directions, negotiated some naughty inclines, but was determined to get at least 26.2 miles in on the first day which took me into Horden and the waiting car, Flip, can of diet coke and snickers bar. So a good first day, not as many donations as I would like but still some very kind ones, good mileage covered and not a sight of snow. Long may it continue.....
Day one is over and was really very enjoyable.
Started at around 0930 this morning at St James Park where obligatory photos were taken with Sir Bobby, wor Jackie and the St James Park sign. Stuck a bit in the throat of my running partner Flip, who is a bonafide Mackem, but I still managed to take a photo of him, by stealth, smiling by the sign. First few miles were punctuated with lots of photo opportunities, including one by the aptly named 'Baltic' arts centre as was bloody cold to start with, but we soon got into our stride and were through the industrial side of Newcastle and towards the village of Borden where we stopped and our car guy for the day, Steven, was duly dispatched to buy some pork and wild mushroom sausages from a good old fashioned butchers. Flip is cooking these as I type and they will be consumed dans un sandwich very shortly before a 'proper' meal later. We dumped our jackets here as the sun had come out and was warming up nicely. Through Bordon and I got a call from the Sunderland echo (after an interview on BBC Tees radio this morning) asking when I would be at the Stadium of Light for photos. Arrived there around midday, a few photos, where Flip was much happier to be snapped, and some special flapjack, thanks Sioux. Next target was Seaham and rather than going along the foot pathless main road we 'cut' across the cliff tops, a fantastic view of a very angry sea, a bit of marshland and a few banks to scramble up and down. Flip was determined to get to Seaham, it being his childhood home, but was starting to feel it a little in his legs having run Hardmoors 55 over the weekend. So at Seaham and 19.5 miles Flip got in the car and I dumped my bag and looked to crack out some more miles as quickly as possible. met Flip a few times along the route here for directions, negotiated some naughty inclines, but was determined to get at least 26.2 miles in on the first day which took me into Horden and the waiting car, Flip, can of diet coke and snickers bar. So a good first day, not as many donations as I would like but still some very kind ones, good mileage covered and not a sight of snow. Long may it continue.....
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
2 days - Woo Hoo
Could only be that song couldn't it?
Ready to rock and roll.
Work finished.
Bag (not) packed. Plenty of time :-) Train leaves at 1040 tomorrow. How long does it take to pack some running kit, a bit if bodyglide and some fruitloaf?
Nice meal with the family tonight where they presented me with some nice cards and a new camera :-) so prepare to be bombarded with snaps.
Have communicated with my first kind host and running partner.
Tres excited but this time tomorrow bum may be winking a tad.
Thanks for all the support so far, this is where it becomes serious though so keep it coming.
Just to remind you you can follow my exploits virtually by the minute on twitter @700miles25days
Otherwise visit the website and leave me a message
Until tomorrow x
Monday, 25 March 2013
Three days - Massive
Very short and sweet today I think. Had to be Massive Attack
for the tuneage. Loves it I do!
Easy day today on the bike, same again tomorrow, on the
train Wednesday then is Thursday and we all know what happens then?
My thoughts currently are all centred around this bloody
weather improving and the roads being clear by the time I arrive in the North,
just something I didn’t think would be an issue, hopefully it still wont.
Nice communications with the people at Mens Running today
and they are liasing with Fulham for photos and videos to be taken pitchside
when I arrive which will be cool. Don’t know what the videos will be used for
Nearly on top of the marking and work so a nice meal out
with the family tomorrow, chuck a few things in my bag and away to go.
Should contact a few people quickly I think,
Sunday, 24 March 2013
4 days - Accounts and physical resources
Couldn't decide on a four song so chose track four off a
favourite album, this is a top top tune. Gets me right there, take a listen.
Seems a long time ago now as have been snowed under getting
on top of stuff for work and marking cashflow, breakeven and physical resources
but had a real fun slow 8 mile run this morning. A local race went virtually by
my front door and lots of friends were involved whether they be running or
marshalling so I joined in and had a plod with them, with lots of stops to talk
to people and receive well wishes. Was a happy run :-) Unfortunately the only
downside was not having enough hours in the day to be able to fit in my
daughters first Karate grading too but she passed with flying colours so is on
her way to being *ninja* :-)
Broke the £2500 barrier today so 5% of target down which I
can't complain about before I even start running and keep receiving more publicity
and messages of support which mean so much. That is about it really except this
photo I took post run and put on FB with the following caption, not sure when I
started looking so old but it happens to us all.
'If you see this man running towards you in the next 4 weeks
don't be scared, just feed him'
Saturday, 23 March 2013
(Take) five days - Don't be shy
Always had to be this song for today, with 5 days to go, although I could have gone with songs by Radiohead, Bjork or Simon and Garfunkel. Am no jazz aficionado but grew up listening to this song being blared out by my father on a Sunday morning and have always had a soft spot for it.
So I went to my inaugral parkrun this morning, the first officail Llyn Llech Owain parkrun and had a great time, stretched the legs a bit, 'gently' coaxed my running buddy for the day, Jenny, to at least a 20 second PB although we didn't quite break the 26 minute barrier as she had hoped. Next time though! To be completely honest I am not sure i could have pushed her much harder and we were both a little wary of me doing myself no damage on a course that was a, little damp, uneven, muddy and slippy under foot. I guess the main thing about parkrun though is the social side and it was lovely to catch up with the likes of Jason, Andrea, Ruth and Nozza and meet many others for the first time. Great hot chocolate and cookie too!
The second part of my title and song 2 of the day is about my 'shyness'. This is something I have improved on over the years but today made me realise If I am going to really get myself out there in the next few weeks I am going to have to get used to shouting from the rooftops, is not natural to talk yourself up though is it, not to me anyway? So there I was this morning resplendent in my 'I am Premier League' shirt and collection pot but it took the intervention of some very kind supporters (Mr PH and Jason repectively) to get the local press phtographer to make me do some silly poses for photos, which will hopefully get me a little more publicity, and then announce my plans to a packed coffee shop which then resulted in a lot of kind donations and well wishes.
So I must be willing to get myself out there verbally, is easy on the internet you know but I only have one crack at this so HAVE to do it in real life too Anyway song number 2 for the day by another of my all time favourite bands is to remind me of this.
Friday, 22 March 2013
6 days - I feel no pain the jabberwocky haunts me
Spoiling you today I really am, I love this band so much, is a long song but is certainly not my loss if you don't see it through to the end. ;-) Don't worry the jabberwocky doesn't haunt me but I certianly hope to feel as little pain as possible in the next 30 days.
Not a lot to report, a nice run home from work in driving rain and blowing gales, no snow here though which is good. My inaugral parkrun tomorrow will be fun too.
A few nice emails today which suggest to me that my, what seems constant, canvasssing over the last few months is starting to pay off, I won't divulge too much, as I don't want to jinx myself, but hopefully the publicity is building and you lot wont be able to pick up a paper or turn on a radio or TV soon without hearing from yours truly. Is all a bit odd as I still feel like a guy who is going for a run, because I can, but if it means I can raise one extra pound for the good causes I can deal with my five minutes in the spotlight.
The continued support from the general public, family, friends and fetchies, before I even start, continues to amaze and inspire me so once again, and not for the last time by a long shot I imagine, I thank you. You are the ones making this all possible. Muchos loving x
Am giving you a bonus song today because you are special, am quite excited by the return of Suede with new music (Stone Roses take note) and this song is doing absolutely nothing to dampen my enthusiasm.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
7 Days - Flapjacks everywhere
Flapjacks made caringly by a lovely supporter are arriving on peoples welcome rugs throughout the country, if that is not enough to motivate me to get from A to B everyday I don't honestly know what is :-) *flapjack*
Thanks again to Greg for the song suggestion although was always going to be this song. I had a major thing for Neneh Cherry in my teenage years, remember seeing her perform Buffalo Stance on TOTP heavily pregnant, thinking about it is maybe a little odd but I was hooked, loved the song anyway and she was just soooo sexy. Managed to blag myself a lifesize carboard cut out of her in full leather gear from Raw Like Sushi album then (see below) Got it from Athena, remember that shop? Was great, many Saturdays wasted away flicking through the posters.
Got my VLM registration pack through today, number 7452, really looking forward to it for many reasons, as you could possibly imagine, but trying not to think about it too much, one day at a time.....
6 miles home on Veera tonight, had considered a run this evening too but have you seen the weather? Next week I will have no choice but right now I have and I am going to eat double deckers instead, how many I don't know but more than one lets put it that way
Did I mention that ITV sent me a pair of jeans worn by Tracy Barlow (I don't know either) in Corrie for me to auciton off after the event. Last time I did something like this I had a beer tray from the Rovers signed by the cast which went for over £100, have no idea what may happen with these though? Sure there must be some stalker type out there will pay a small fortune?
So 7 days to go and although donations have come to a complete standstill am feeling quite positive and looking forward to getting going. My first ever parkrun to come on Saturday too which am a little excited about, not least because I will be in the company of many wonderful people including Jenny, Jason, Andrea and some Sospans? :-)
Got my VLM registration pack through today, number 7452, really looking forward to it for many reasons, as you could possibly imagine, but trying not to think about it too much, one day at a time.....
6 miles home on Veera tonight, had considered a run this evening too but have you seen the weather? Next week I will have no choice but right now I have and I am going to eat double deckers instead, how many I don't know but more than one lets put it that way
Did I mention that ITV sent me a pair of jeans worn by Tracy Barlow (I don't know either) in Corrie for me to auciton off after the event. Last time I did something like this I had a beer tray from the Rovers signed by the cast which went for over £100, have no idea what may happen with these though? Sure there must be some stalker type out there will pay a small fortune?
So 7 days to go and although donations have come to a complete standstill am feeling quite positive and looking forward to getting going. My first ever parkrun to come on Saturday too which am a little excited about, not least because I will be in the company of many wonderful people including Jenny, Jason, Andrea and some Sospans? :-)
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
8 days - Unveiling the beard

Tuesday, 19 March 2013
9 days - Curry Night
Another day closer, a few miles on Veera and a curry night to report. The night was for a good cause, a lady with the local club running VLM for St Johns Ambulance. I loaded up on carbs and protein as you do but did stick to water, will certainly enjoy a few pints come April 21st but not before then and certainly not during the challenge as, and I think I have mentioned before, I will spend the next days run in and out of bushes/toilets.
When I left the curry house we were in the middle of a quiz and my team were winning, wasn't much to do with my input though so am sure they still stormed it. The lady whose quiz night it was gave me £5 from Paul? to go towards my charity, not entirely sure who Paul is but I may have run with him a couple of weeks ago when I went out with the aforementioned local club, Sospan Road Runners, who are lovely. I should just pay the membership fee even though I won't make a lot of sessions as they are so friendly, helpful and supportive. Will put on my list of things to do when I get back.
Am going to do a few easy miles home from work tomorrow and contemplate what my 8 song will be. Love todays song, Damien Rice makes my hairs tingle.
Monday, 18 March 2013
10 days - who has the remote
If you have the remote please press fast forward, I want to start NOW! Am I allowed to stamp my feet? The taper madness is in danger of sending me loopy, ended up at doctors early telling him that I was probably being a paranoid freak but could he please check out my 'sore throat and headache'. He checked it out and basically agreed with my diagnosis, paranoid freak I am.
At least I am down to 10 days to go and single figures tomorrow and it allows my to indulge myself and do a countdown in songs. Todays song is not the best but I have always enjoyed a bit of The Beautiful South and, before them, The Housemartins. I do not subscribe to the guilty pleasures view, if I like a song why should I feel guilty? :-) Am sure you knowledgable people could think of a better tune but too late now, feel free to make nominations for the rest of the countdown, not a 9 though as have already decided that and is a belter. Any guesses? Do help out with 8 to 1 though...
No running planned until Wednesday this week, am currently on 598 for thje year and should get to around 630-640 before I set off, will go bloody stupid then wont it? :-)
Off to support another local runner doing London tomorrow night. She has organised a charity curry and quiz night fundraising for St Johns Ambulance, I'm going for the curry and will probably fail dismally at the quiz. Am willing, for comedy value, to include any answers you volunteer before tomorrow in random response to the questions, just for my own amusement really.
So what do I want from you? Song suggestions, random quiz answers and guesses as to what my number 9 song is. Oh and, as ever, donations and sharing of my challenge with your social media and real life (or is this real life?) networks.
Meanwhile I am going to spend the remainder of the evening trawling through the replies from the clubs, making contact where required and getting contacts put into phone and lists sorted etc. I love a good list.
Spend your hard earned cash here
Sunday, 17 March 2013
11 days, feeling inspired
I'm done, a nice 15 and a bit miles this morning with a few gentle elevations and a nice steep one at around half way taking me and my running partner for the day, Jenny, up to a lovely view over Ffos Las race course and Carmarthen Bay. I always think the climb is worth the view at the top, I hope Jenny did too. Have only know Jenny a couple of weeks since she volunteered to marshall at the Born to Run Ultra and since then become one of the only people on earth to read my blog and offer fantastic support for my challenge, through sharing, enthusiasm and sponsorship. Now Jenny didn't have to offer run with me anymore than I had to change my mind at the last moment and go with the more testing route but mental strength is the order of the day and Jenny showed bucket loads of it which is yet another contribution to my motivation bank and one of the things I will draw on over the next 5 weeks at the times when I begin to questions exactly what possessed me.
The next 11 days then will consist of some 6 mile runs, a few miles on Veera, tying up the loose ends of the challenge, getting ahead of the game with work and going into networking overdrive. If the whole seven (cue James) degrees of separation theory is true, and surely social media has decreased that if anything why shouldn't I believe that millions can hear about my challenge with a bit of hard work and help?
So once again please don't forget to share, follow me on twitter @700miles25days or add me on facebook by searching iampremierleague.
Website here:
Saturday, 16 March 2013
12 days aka stingy baby cow not right!
12 days until I kick off and my left calf was a little tight (hence the blog title, is clever as I get :-) ) this morning I think or at least it certainly was when I thought about it :-) Nice stretch post run and a new run walk strategy and all seems ok now. Went with a repeated 30 second walk after 9.30 mins and then a minute walk after 19 mins, think this may be the final strategy. Is important I remember why I am doing it though as a couple of times in last few runs have thought to myself 'I don't need a walk break right now' but then realise I am taking the break so I am better 1,2, 3 or more hours down the line.15 miles tomorrow will be my last double figure run before the off, if you see me pounding the streets or talking about going 10 or more before then please slap me, I am always capable of succumbing to temptation you know.
Am still getting the challenge out there, managed to get registered on 'Knees up Mother Brown' the West Ham forum today and have already had two donations from them which is just brilliant and gives me such a boost. Don't get me wrong they are not big donations but enough, anything is enough. I fully expect my faith in society to be justified by the end of the run, it is acts of kindness like this that will do it. I never have bought into the tabloid gloom and doom 'Broken Britain' stance anyway.
Todays song comes from Steve Mason the ex lead singer of the hugely under rated Beta Band. Quality tune, grab his new album if you like this, you wont be disappointed.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Let me very quickly share my run home with you. Was one of them 'no energy' bonking runs I sometimes get in the afternoon, just clicked that did everything I usually did apart from pre run banana. School boy error. Anyways when I got to just over 7 miles I had two choices, go the short flat way (2 miles) or the long steep way (3 miles). I went the long way. :-) The thing is the only reason I went the longer harder way was because I spotted some bastard geese on the path the other way. I knew there was a reason to dislike spring. So did I man up or, for want of a better phrase, am I a big fat gayer? Answers on a goose egg plz.
No entries to sweepstakes in other news, today may end my 3 week donation streak :-( Oh well start again tomorrow :-)
Linky Thing
No entries to sweepstakes in other news, today may end my 3 week donation streak :-( Oh well start again tomorrow :-)
Linky Thing
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
This song and band kept me amused on my run home from work today, don't know why this particular tune resonated so much but it did put a spring in my step, I like songs that make you think but sometimes simple is best. I certainly want the world to know about my challenge and I am radio friendly but it certainly doesn't keep me up at night.
With backpack again today and after trying a run 19 walk 1 minute strategy for the last week today I went for a run 9 walk 1 strategy but think over a long distance with stops for food, talking to people etc etc will slow me down a little too much so am going to stick to the 19-1 strategy.
Also been offered the use of a dictaphone for my run which will help the blogging and remembering the details loads as my short term memory is frankly crap and I always think of loads of things to talk about when out then forget them all when I get home. Crap with names too and want to be able to thank random kind people. So that is going to be tidy as long as I remember to use it, hmmm...
One thing I do remember thinking today was I wonder how long, without taking into account aforementioned food and talk stops, I will run for in all during the 25 days I'm going. Then I thought wouldn't it be fun if people could bet on it in a sweepstake style. So that is what I am doing. The link is below but all you need do now is make a minimum donation of £3 for every entry you want, stipulating that you want entry and how many, and when I have the 40 entries I need or by 25 March, whichever comes first, I will put all options in one hat( I have many hats) and all names in another and you get allocated what you get allocated. I shall video the draw for you tube in the interest of fair play. Options start at less than 101 hours and then go up in increments of 2 to the last one which is over 177 hours. So for instance if you were drawn as 151 you would win for any time between 151 hours and152 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Make sense? Only rules being that..
1. If I get less than 20 entries, but we are a nation of gamblers right?, you will unfortunately forfeit your entry and the lucky charities will be better off anyway
2.If I get more than 20 but the winning time is not allocated it will go to the next closest, if it is a tie the one who didn't go bust (ovr my actual time) wins.
I will update spreadsheet every night until we have enough entries, if it seems that there will be a lot more than 40 entries I will run the competition twice.
So what will you win I hear you holler? Well one you will win my stinking running shoes which will have over 1500 miles in them by the time the challenge is over, a worthless signed challenge running top (not realy selling this too well am I?) and either two £10 tickets fo the post events charity auction night or a £20 voucher for the shop ofyour choice. You in?
Anonymous donations wont really work unless you message me in which case I will keep your identity a secret. Sorry if you have already donated and want in, you will have to dig deep again. ;-)
Charty Page:
Sunday, 10 March 2013
28.5 miles with full pack (3.5kg) today managing to maintain just over 10 minute mile pace even with 3 minute walk breaks in each hour, toilet stops, photo stops and a change of shoes. Only one day for sure so not sure if I could keep it up for 25 days, but then again I wont have the pack everyday either. Was a testing route too with the first 20 miles pretty much all up and down and miles 22-26 into a really strong head wind. Was joined for last 8 miles by Karen on her bike which was very kind, but people are kind aren't they :-) Endomondo somehow said I ran 37 miles with a fastest mile of 2.02 mins. I is a machine :-)
Time to take it a little easier now for the next what? 18 days? Will probably get another 100 miles in that time but a 15 miler next Sunday will be my longest run. I have got to listen to common sense and ignore the itchy feet I get. Can almost touch it now can't I. Once again the only thing can boost me now is somehow getting the fundraising moving again, any ideas much appreciated...
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